r ;
Hab. Hongkong, 0. WrigU.—'We owe the discovery of this species to the United
States North Pacific Exploring Expedition of 1853-6, under Capts. Einggold and
44. T. humile, Forster ; rhizome creeping, deeply intermatted ; st. in. 1.,
slender, winged afiove ; f r . 1-2 in. 1., \ in. br., bipinnatifid, lanceolate-oblong in
general outline, cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis ; segin. pinnatifid, with
simple or once-forked linear lobes ; substance membranaceous, surface and margin
naked ; a central costa only in each segment ; no spurious veïiules ; sori solitary,
on the upper side of the pinnoe, tube more or less exserted, the mouth spreading,
two-lipped.— Bp. 1. p . 123. H k . Gr. Ic. F i l t. 35.—/3, T. Endlicheriamm,
Presl ; f r . more elongated ; narrower and less branched. T. erectum,
Hah. Java, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands.—r . aureum, V.D.B., differs from the
type by its longer and broader slightly-crisped segments.
45. T. irrachypus, Kunze ; rhizome long, wiry, wide-creeping, more or less
tomentose \ f r . 1-2 m. apart, nearly sessile, 3/> in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., once pinnatifid,
cut down to a broadly-winged rachis ; lower pinnoe oblong, blunt, ¿-1 in. 1., br.,
varying from nearly entire to cut down to a broadly-winged rachis with linear
lobes ; texture membranaceous ; surface nearly naked or ferrugineo-tomentose,
especially on the veins ; veins prominent ; lat. veins of the pinnæ parallel and
7._.___<3/1 (Til fit
both sides.
Hab. Tropical America, from the West Indian Islands southward to Peru and the
South of Brazil.—A very distinct plant, which corresponds to the genus LacosUa of Van
den Bosch, who makes nine species.
40. T. pallidum, Blume ; rhizome wide-creeping, slender, tomentose ; St. 1-3
in. I., slender but wiry ; f r . 2-6 in. 1., l - I J in. br., ovate-lanceolate acuminate,
bipinnatifid, ju s t divided down to a narrowly-winged rachis ; hwer pinnm ovate-
rhomboidal, divided more th an halfway down, and the lobes again slightly c u t ;
substance subcoriaceous, both surfaces, when dry, often decidedly coated with
white, always more or less clothed with strong light-brown hairs ; veins broad
and few ; sori 1 to 4 to a pinna, ax illa ry on the segments on both sides, the tube
nearlv sunk, the mouth dilated, h u t scarcely two-lipped.—/ f t . Sp. 1 . / . 139.
T.- glauco- fuscum, / f t . Sp. 1. p . 128. t. 40. A. T. album, Blums, Hh. Sp. 1.
p . 129.
Hab. Malayan Peninsula, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, and Pacific Islands.—This corresponds
to the genus Oraspedoneuron of Van den Bosoh, who makes four species. Ihe
pallid hue of the dry frond is very peculiar, aud the coating of hairiness is sometimes
very prominent, but is sometimes nearly deciduous.
47. T. serratulum. Baker ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping ; st. slender, naked,
about 4 in. 1. ; f r . under \ in. 1., about J in. br., oblong or subrhomboidal m
general outline, pinnatifid down to a narrowly-winged racliis ; segm. erecto-patent,
in 2-6 pairs, linear, simple or forked, j in. 1., under 4 lin. br., toothed at the
margin, texture membranaceous ; a central costa only in each segment; spurious
venules none ; sori 1 to 2, terminal on the upper segments, the tube exserted or
even stipitate, tlie mouth slightly two-lipped, deeply ciliated with sharp linear
Hab On trees, Loboug Peak, B o r n e o . -Eesembling T. calveseens, LyalUi, and denticu-
latum in its toothed segments, but different in other respects, and a very distinct
t t Ma in rachis hardly, i f at all, winged in the lower part. Sp. 48-57.
48. T. Filicida, Bory ; rhizome wide-creeping, tomentose, ratlier slender ; st. 1-2
in. I., naked, sliglitly winged above ; f r . 1 -4 in. 1., 14-2 in. br., ovate, tripinnatifid,
main racliis with a very narrow wing or free below ; pinnæ ovate-rliomboidal,
pinnatifid dowm to a narrowly-winged rachis ; the lower pinnl. again deeply
pinnatifid ; ultimate segm. linear ; texture firm, membranaceous ; a central costa
in eacli segment, spurious venules none or indistinct ; sori 1 to 4 to a pinna,
ax illa ry or terminal on the segments ; tube sunk or somewhat exserted, the
mouth very distinctly two-lipped, the lips siibtriangular with a rounded apex.—
/ft-. Syn. 1. p. 124. Didymoglossum, Desv.—13, T. Íate-alatum,Y. D. B. ; ultimate
segments very narrow and acute, wing of rachis somewhat crisped, spurious
venules distinct.— V. D. B . Suppl. l . p . 54. D. plicatum, V .D .B .
Hab. Mauritius, Bourbon, Madagascar, Natal, Cape Colony, and Fernando Po ;
Nepaul, Assam, Japan, N. Hindostán, Ceylon, Java, Borneo, and Polynesian Islands.—
Very like T. pyxidiferum in habit, and principally distinguishable by the distinctly twolipped
involucre. I t was formerly supposed that one of them was confined to the New,
tbe other to the Old World ; but T. pyxidiferum has now been found abundantly in Asia,
Africa, and the Polynesian Islands ; and I cannot distinguish from this, though labelled
pyxidiferum on high authority, a Mexican plant from Liehmann. Here are included
numerous species of Van den Bosch ; amongst which are his Didymoglosmm Draytonm.
num, euplilebium, Griflithii, racemulosum, insigne, capillatum, and dilatatum.
49. T. pyxidiferum, L. ; rhizome wide-creeping, tomentose, ra th e r slender ; st. 1 -2
in. 1., naked, tvinged above ; / r . 1 - 6 in .l., l - l j in. hr., ovate-oblong, tripinnatifid,
main rachis with a very narrow wing ; pinnæ ovate-rhomboidal, pinnatifid dotvn
to a narrowly-winged rachis, with the lower pnnnl. again deeply pinnatifid ;
ultimate segm. linear, often emarginate a t the apex ; texture membranaceous ; a
central eosta in each segment ; spurious venules none or indistinct ; sori 1 to 4 to
a pinna, ax illa ry , tube more or less winged, mouth broadly dilated but scarcely
two-lipped ; recept. filiform, exserted.—H k . Sp. 1. p . 124. H k . ê Gr. Ic. F il. t.
206.—18, T. emarginatum, Presl ; more divided, the segments of the pinnules
numerous and crowded. T. cavifolium, C. Muller.—y, T. olivaceum, Kuiize ;
segments broader, less divided, wing of racliis somewhat crisped, spurious venules
Hab. Tropical America, from Mexico and the West Indies southward to Brazil and
Peru ; Bourbon, Cape of Good Hope, Angola, Fernando Po, Hindostán as far north as
Khasia, Moulmein, Borneo, aud New Caledonia, — Our a corresponds to numerous
species of Van den Bosch, including his hymenophylloides, Lechleri, Brasiliense, Borboni-
cum, Milnei, Tieillardi, exiniium, and Schmidiianum.
60. T.radicans, Sw a rtz ; rhizome wiry, wide-creeping, tomentose; si. strong,
wiry, ascending, 2-6 in. 1., naked or nearly so, sometimes the upper p a rt winged ;
f r . 4-12 in. 1., 2-6 in. br., tripinnatifid, main rachis very narrowly winged, often
free, except near the apex ; lower pinnæ 1-4 in. 1., ovate-rhomboidal, cut down
to a narrowly-winged rachis ; pinnl. again deeply pinnatifid, ovate-rhomboidal,
with deeply toothed lower segm. ; texture membranaceous b u t firm ; a single vein
only carried into each ultimate segment ; sori lateral, 1 to 4 to a pinnule, the
tube small, subcoriaceous, more or less decidedly exserted, the mouth very
slightly two-lipped; recept. slender, elongated.—f t / . 1. / . 125, non H k . Sy
Or. ic . F il. t. 218. f t / . B rit. Ferns, t. 42. T. speciosum, W illd.—¡3, T.
Kunzeanum, H k . ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., subcoriaceous, main and secondary rachises
hardly a t all winged ; pinnæ distant stalked, pinnules deeply pinnatifid, the
lowest lobes again pinnatifid, the segments very long and narrow.—H k . Syn. 1.
p . 127. t. 39. D. T. Antillarum, V. D. B . T. umhrosum. W all.—y, T. Luschna-
tianum, IPresl ; f r . lanceolate acuminate, quite sessile.—Hymenophyllum rupestre,