h I
fertile f r . larger and quite cut down to the rachis, with narrower, larger, and
more deeply-divided pinnæ ; texture subcoriaceous ; invol. membranous, incurved.
—m . Sp. 2. p . 132. t. 114. B.
Hab. Bourbon.
6. P . columbina, H k . ; barren f r . with slender, wiry, naked, polished, brownish-
black steins 6 in. 1., tbe frond not much over 1 in. each way, deltoid, cut down
to a broadly-winged racliis into two lobes on each side, the lowest of whicli is
1- j.1. _ 1 ________J. „ . , , 1 c t t .n l . - . o V» 7^ e i n n o f û / l much the largest and again deeply lobed and sinuated on the Ilon wwmer' side 1; ’iP.Tt.'il.O.
f r . on longer and stronger steins, 2-3 in. each way, cut down nearly to the rachis
into about four lobes on each side, the upper of'which are linear and entire, tlie
lowest again deeply lobed below with a compound lower and simple upper linear
segments; ieæiare subcoriaceous, both surfaces naked ; inconspicuous ; sori
soon hiding the narrow spreading membranous invol.—P. lomariacea, fi, I lk . Sp.
2. p . 133. t. 112.—¡3, vestita ; st. shorter, clothed throughout with brown fibrillose
Hab. Brazil, summit of the Organ Mountains ; gathered by Mr. Gardner.—Tbe alliance
of this seems to be with P. pilosa and gercmioefoUa. Tbe barren fronds in size and
cutting mucb resemble tbose of tbe former.
7. P . geraniæfolia, Fe'e ; st. 6-9 in. naked, erect, wiry, brownish-black,
polished, sliglitly scaly towards the base; f r . 2-4 in. each way, deltoid, cut
down nearly to "the rachis into 3 or 4 pinnce on each side, of which the lowest
p a ir is miicli the largest, with the pinnl. on the lower side much larger th an the
others and deeply lobed with linear-oblong segm.; rachis and costa dark-coloured
and polished like the stipe ; texture herbaceous, lateral veins once forked ; sori
in broad marginal lines.—I lk . Sp. 2. p . 132. Ic. P I. t. 916.
Hab. Tropical America, from Guatemala southward to Brazil and Peru ; Polynesian
Islands from New Caledonia northward to the Neilgherries, N. China, and Subtropical
Australia, Mascaren Isles, Zambesi Land, Angola, and Cape Colony.—This and the two
preceding agree in habit with Ptexis pedata and Cheilanthes Kirkii. From the former
their simple veins furnish the readiest mark of distinction. The plant from Australia,
sent by Dr. Mueller, gathered at Rockhampton by Messrs. Tliozet and Dallaohy, is not
unlikely distinct. I t has fronds not more than 1 in. each way, resembling closely in
cutting and texture the barren fronds of the preceding.
8. P . TambuHi, H k . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, naked, chesnut-brown, polished ;
f r . about 6 in. each way, deltoid, with three principal pinnæ, the terininal one
cut down nearly to the rachis into several broad, opposite, lanceolate lobes, of
which the upper ones are entire and the lower ones larger and sinuated ; lateral
pin næ with the lobes on the upper side nearly entire, but those on the low'er side
prolonged and again deeply lobed, the largest entire divisions about 1 in. deep,
J in. br. at the base ; texture subcoriaceons ; rachis polished, brown like the
stipe ; under surface th in ly coated with white farina ; invol. brownish, continuous
b u t regularly crenated along the outer edge.—I lk . Sp. 2. p . 134. t. 129. A.
Hab. Tariibur Valley, East Nepaul ; gathered by Dr. Hooker.—A very distinct
9. P . a, Baker ; st. tufted, 1J-2 in. 1., erect, wiry, da rk chesnut-brown,
naked, p o lis h e d ;/« lg-2 in. each way, deltoid, b ip in n a te ; lower f in n æ mnali
the largest, lanceolate-deltoid ; lowest pinnl. cu t down to the rachis below into
oblong lobes ; ult. segm. oblong, or obovate obtuse, about 2 lin. 1., 1 lin. br. ;
texture herbaceous or, when mature, subcoriaceous ; rachis and both surfaces
naked ; veins immersed ; sm-i in continuous lines ; invol. membranous, crenate.
—ClieiL, Kunze, Hk. Sp. 2. p . 107.
Hab. Cape Colony, Burchell, 2033. NamaquaLand ; gathered by Drége, and latterly
by the Rev. Mr. Whitehead.
P . m i ... ! .. ¡ .| -I,”«;. • " ' • i £ r a ï ï , T . r , t S d " :
naked or 1 2 hi 1 1 in- '''•■> deltoid-acuminate, cut
lower pinnce deltoid; B ® acuminate lobes; raclm slightly
down nearly to the rachis into gcai-cely coriaceous ; veins fine, incon-
„ • E E E E E i . V i p . » . . . u « . a
H tt, C . .— . b , M, ; - I ~ . b «"•’
been gathered by Messrs. Salvm and Godman.
11. P . rigida, H k .; st. 4-6 in ft.,
than the others; b / r S è naked or slightly scaly, both surfaces
it —H k . Sp. 2. p. 144. Cheiloplecton, le e .
Hah. -Mexico, Guatemala, aud said to have been also found by M. Nee in Peru. ^
invol. broad, conspicuous. Sp. 12-32.
» Frond not more than bipinnately cut. Sp. 12-21.
1 2 . P .(E lo .) am % « a ,B a k e r ; s«_ 6 -9m . f t wiry, eiec^^^^^ bipinnate
brown, ¿aked ; ./ r .4 - 6 m, 1 ^ l / B r ’ l S , L 3 - p a t e n f r "
a t the base ; pmnæ f i - 2 m. 1., . „g naked, margin incurved ; mvol.
subcoriaceous, brittle ; rachis mapped out into a series of
distinct from it, papyraceous, foterlactog by a marginal fan g e ,
roundish depressions, the polished n iid rib .-C lie il., Metten.
and sometimes concealing 20.
Gheil. p . 49. Synochlamys ambigua, Fee, 8. Mem.
Hab. New Granada ; discovered hy M. Schlim m 1852.
13. P . {AWo.) firopwfiurea, Link ;
hidden by the broad line of the fru it,—H*. Sp. 2. PSouth
of Mexico.
14. P. (A ll.,)
i n v o l u c r e . - / f t . » S ) 9 . 2 . ? 9 . 1 3 9 .« 113.A. ^ . 4 , 4
3,8H0a0b-5. ,6M0a0u frti.t—iusT, hMisa aduadg aPs.c aart,r opurpúrea differ from allf tohaaftf otolili^o'w^^ oyy t o
pinnæ pinnate.
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