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slightly-toothed, o h lo n g £ b lu n t segm.; texture herbaceous, both
rachises fibrillose ; sori close to the midrib.—Hk . Sp. A. p . 143.
Hab. Sandwich Islands, Brackenridge.— The scales of the rachis are quite subulate,
with alternate coloured and colourless cells. N. Figiense, Hk. 2nd Cent. t. ^7, is
probably distinct : the frond is larger and less deltoid, the rachises are less scaly, and the
lower segments are pinnatifid, with small blunt lobes, with a sorus filling up more than
half of them. I t was gathered by Milne in Fiji.
115. N. (Last.) squamigerum, H k . & Arn. ; sl. tufted, 1 ft. 1.,
througliout with lanceolate scales ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. hr., ovate-deltoid ;
pinnæ close, lanceolate, the lowest pair suhdeltoid, 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr. ; pinnl.
lanceolate, close, more or less deeply pinnatifid, with broad blu n t lobes ; texture
herbaceous ; rachises and midribs of the pinnules beneath scaly ; so n m rows
near the midrib.—i f t . Sp. 4. p . 144. t. 280.
Hab. Sandwich Islands.-
-Unique in the group in the dense scaly clothing of its
116. N. (Last.) Bojen, Baker ; st. 6-9 in. 1., naked, stramineous, the scales
lanceolate, concolorous, confined to the base ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., nearly as br.,
deltoid ; pinnoe imbricated, the lowest the largest, lanceolate, sometimes 1 it. b,
4 in , br. ; pinnl. lanceolate, cut down to tbe rachis below into oblong-ligulate
subentire lobes ; texture herbaceous ; rachis and both surfaces naked ; veinhts
forked ; sori distant from the midrib ; invol. firm, naked.—N. Boryanum, H k .
Sp. 4. p . 126.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.—Mettenius has shown another quite different plant to
be Willdenow’s Boryanum. The alliance of this is N. Napoleonis, but the frond is more
117. N. (Last.) odoratum, Baker ; St. 12-18 in .l., stramineous, glossy, densely
clothed a t th e base with a tu ft of lanceolate hright-brown scales ; / r . 9 18 in. I.,
deltoid ; lowest pinnæ much the largest, deltoid, 6-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. br. ; pinnl.
lanceolate, often imbricated, with ovate or ohlong pinnatifid segm. with blunt
rounded lohes ; texture herbaceous ; colour pale-green ; rachis and urider side
more or less pubescent; sori copious ; invol. large, pale, villose.—Aspid. Bory.
N. hirsutum, Don. N. eriocarpum, Dec. Hlc. Sp. 4. p . 141. Hypodeinatium,
Kunze. '
Hab. N. India (up to 7-8000 ft.), S. China, Malayan Peninsula, Mauritius, Cape
Verdes.—A well-marked species, which specimens from Bojer show is A. odoratum of
llUeome wide-creeping. Fronds small or middle-sized, deltoid, tri- or
quadripinnatifid. Sp. 118-126.
118. N. (L a st.) puheseens, Desv. ; sl. 6-18 in. 1., slender, deciduously villose;
fr. 6-18 in. 1., deltoid ; lower pinnm much the largest ; pinnl. lanceolate ; lower
segm. usua lly free, ohlong-rhomboidal, unequal-sided ; teeth mucronate ; texture
subcoriaceous; rachises often densely villose and under side more or less
pu b e s c en t; colour pale-green ; sori sniall, distant from the midrib.— H k . Sp. 4.
p . 146. H k . (& Gr. Ic. t. 102.
Hab. West Indies.—Veins sometimes anastomosing. Phegopteris Portoricensis, Fe'e,
and Polyp, sericeum, Hk. Sp. 4. p. 258, are non-involucrate forms.
119. N. (L a s t.) Parishii, H k . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., slender, naked, ebeneous ; f r . 6-8
in. each way, deltoid, the lower pinnce much the largest ; lower pinnl. larger
than the others, which are oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, lJ -2 in. 1., - |- | in. br.,
cut down nearly to the rachis into close, oblong lanceolate, crenated lobes ;
texture membranous ; rachises and under surface pubescent ; vemlets ])innate iu
the lobes ; sori in rows not fa r from the midrib.—i f t . Sp. 4. p . 131. t. 260.
Hab. Moulmein, Rev. C. S. Parish.—Very different in texture from the rest of the
group, and like species 71-2, approximating to some Sagenioe in the sori being usually
terminal on branch veins.
120. N. (Last.) mhquinquefidum, Hk. ; st. 1 ft. or more I., brownish, firm,
naked or viilose upwards ; f r , 6-18 iu. each way ; lower pinnæ much the largest,
with the pinnl. on the lower side much larger tlian the others, which are 1-3
in. 1., f-1 in. hr., often cut down nearly to the rachis below into broad, oblong
\abea ; texture herbaceous; cote® dark-green ; rachis more or less villose ; sori
medial.—i f t . Sp. 4. p . 130. N. Vogelii, i f t . 2nd Cent. t. 21. F . funestura,
i f t . Sp. 4. p . 129. t. 239.—? , JV. variabile, H k . ; more compound ; \ower pinnæ
sometimes 1 ft. 1., quadripinnatifid, with lowest segm. 1 in. 1., J in. br.—i f t . Sp. 4.
p. (40. L. pilosissima, J i <Ste
Hab. West Indies to Brazil, island of Nissobfe, Angola, Guinea Coast, Senegainbia.
:—The extremes differ widely in cutting, but pass into oue another very gradually. A.
acrocarpon. Fée, belongs here.
121. N. (Last.) suhsericeum. Baker ; rhizome clothed with lanceolate, feiTii-
ginons scales; S t . 7 in , 1.; f r . 8 in. 1., deltoid, trip in n a tifid ; lowest p in nw
ovate-lanceolate, unequal-sided ; pinnl. ovate-rhomboidal, obtuse, cut down to a
narrow wing into toothed or pinnatifid segm. ; texture thin, flaccid ; both sides
slightly and the midrib above densely clothed with soft spreading hairs ; sori
1 to each lobe.—Aspid. JHett. F il. Nov. Cal. p . 74.
Hab. New Caledonia, Vieillard.
122. N. (Last.) decompositmn, R. Br. ; rhizome wide-creeping ; st. 12-18 in. 1.,
scaly only at the base, firm, villose ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr., ovate-lanceolate
or deltoid ; \owex pinnm much the largest, deltoid, 4-9 in. 1., 2-4 in. br. ;
pinnl. lanceolate, more or less deeply pinnatifid ; segm. unequal-sided, ovate-
rhomboidal, deeply pinnatifid,. with toothed lohes ; raehis and under side more or
less yillose ; sori ra th e r large, placed midway between the midrib aud edge.—
(3, N . glahellum, A. Cnnn. ; rhizome abbreviated ; f r . more finely cut, with more
copious spinulose teeth, villose only on the rachis above, the surfaces glossy, and
lobes not imbricated.'—H k . Sp. 4. p . 146.
Hab. Australia, Van Diemen’s Land, and New Zealand to Tahiti and Fiji.—Very
variable in size, texture, and cutting. Dr. Mueller sends a form with suppressed involucres.
A. Shepherdi, Kze. {L. acuminata, Moore) is most like a in cutting, but tbe
rhizome is abbreviated and tbe frond narrower.
123. N. (Last.) velutinum, Hk. fil. ; St. 1 ft. or more 1., bright-brown, villose
upwards, scaly only at the base ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., hy nearly as broad, deltoid;
lower pinnæ much the largest, deltoid ; lowest pinnl. larger th an the others,
■which are close, lanceolate, cu t down to the raehis below into pinnatifid, oblong
lohes; tei«®e herbaceous ; rachises densely villose, and both' sides softly pubescent ;
sori small, copious ; invol. gland-ciliated.—i f t . Sp. 4. p. 145.
Hab. New Zealand.—Principally distinguished from the preceding by its more flaccid
habit and densely villose surface and rachises. We have similar but not quite identical
plants from Queensland and ifiji.
124. N. (Last.) recedens, H k . ; St. about 1 ft. 1., erect, villose, soft, clothed at
the base with squarrose linear scales ; f r . lJ -2 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr., deltoid ;
2 N
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