I I!
r -y
6-9 in. 1., 1-1J in br. ; pin n l. J - J in. 1., J in.. deep, dimidiate, broadest on tbe
side nearest the stem, the upper and outer margin lobed, sometimes one-third
down, tlie lowest on short slender stalks ; texture pellucido-herbaceous ; rachises
and surface n ak ed ; sori roundish or transversely oblong, 1-2 lin. br.—Ilk.
Sp. 2. p . 65.
H ab . N o rth H in d o s tá n , ascending to 7-9 ,0 0 0 ft., J a p a n , M an tc h u ria , Unalaschka,
an d Canada so u thw a rd to V irg in ia an d California. — I n th is th e ma in forks curve
grace fully, an d have from 4 to 6 branches, each sp rin g in g from th e u p p e r side, th e central
ones of which a re most developed.
^ 55. A. tetragomim, Schrad. ; sl. 0-12 in. 1., polished, blaclsisb, glabrous ; fr .
dichotomous, with main divisions again once or twice forked ; p innæ 8-12 in. 1.,
2-3 in. hr. ; p in n l. 1J - I J in. 1., | - J in. deep, not tru ly dimidiate, but only the
lower two-thirds of the under half cut away, the upper margin rounded and
broadly lobed, with the lobes finely toothed and point often lengthened out ;
texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and surfaces naked ; sori linear or tran sversely
oblong, placed round the upper edge, and sometimes also the outer third
of the lower one.—I lk . Sp. 2. p . 28. A. curvatum, Kaulf. I lk . Sp.-2. p. 29.
« 84. C.
H ab . B ra z il.—Ea sily recognizable from th e p re c ed in g b y th e difference in th e b ran ch in
g an d by th e p innules n o t b ein g q u ite u n ila te ra l. A. Lindsæa, Cav., A. humih,
K u n z e , an d A. angustatum, K a u lf., a re little -k n ow n p ed a te p lan ts.
66. A. patens, Willd. ; st. 6-9 in. erect, dark chesnut-brown, polished, but
slightly tomentose ; f r . dichotomously branched, and the branches once or twice
branched again ; central pinnæ 6-9 in. 1., I J in. br. ; pinnl. J - f in. 1., J in. deep,
dimidiate, the two sides nearly parallel, the upper one broadly and bluntly
lobed, and the outer b lu n t and lobed also ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachises
slightly tomentose, under surface slightly liairy ; sori placed round the upper
and outer edge, obversely reniform, and placed iu distinct small rounded hollows.
I lk . Sp. 2. p . 29. t. 87. A.
H a b . Mexico, so u thw ard to Ecu ad o r an d Galapagos Islan d s.—T h e la rg e h o rn y sub-
o rb icu lar involucres, sometimes x in. h r. an d n ea rly as d eep , d istin g u ish th is read ily from
th e o th e r p lan ts ot th e group.
67. A. hispidulum, Swartz; st. 6-16 in. 1., strong, erect, polished, dark
chesnut-brown, scabrous ; f r . dichotomous, with the main divisions flahellately
branched ; central p innoe 6-9 iu. 1., J-1 in. br. ; p innl. | - j in. 1., 2-4 lin. lu-.,
dimidiate, subrhomboidal, ra th e r broader on the side nearest the stem, the outer
. edge bluntly rounded or oblique, upper and outer m a rg in . finely toothed, lower
ones slightly stalked ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachises and both surfaces hispid ;
sori roundish, numerous, contiguous round the upper and outer edge.—I lk . Sp 2.
p . 31. A. pubescens, ric/i/.
Hab. Asia—Neilgherries and Ceylon eastward to Fiji, southward to N. S. Wales and
New Zealand ; Africa—Bourbon, Mauritius, Zambesi Land, hanks of the Niger.—Easily
distinguished from the other species by its densely pubescent segments and rachises.
68. A. flabellulatum, Linn. ; st. erect, strong, polished, blackish, naked ; fr .
dichotomously branched and the bi-anches once or twice branched again ; central
p innæ 4-8 in. 1., j in. hr. ; p innl. about 4 lin. hr., 3 lin. deep, dimidiate, the
lower edge nearly straight, the upper rounded, the outer blunt, hotli entire or
slightly toothed ; texture coriaceous, rachises and surfaces naked ; sori in several
transversely ohlong patches round the upper and outer edge.—I lk . Sp. 2. ». SO.
A. amcenum, H k . S Gr. t. 103.
Hab. Hindostán from the Himalayas to Ceylon, Japan, S. China, Malayan Peninsula
and Islands.—The pmnules are larger aud broader than those of A. hispidulum, and only
the rachis is finely pubescent.
§§ llewardia, J . Smith.— Veins Sp. 69-62.
pinnl. 3 -4 in . 1., J-1 in. hr., nearly equal-sided except a t the base, ovate-lanceolate,
very nearly entire ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis polished, naked ;
veins copiously anastomosing, midrib distinct, blackish ; sori in continuous lines
along both edges.—Ilk . Sp. 2. p . 7. Hewardia adiantoides, J . Smith.
Hab. Guiana.—The texture of the frond is thinner than in the next species, and the
veins are more distinct and copiously and conspicuously reticulated.
GO. A. (Hew.) dolosum, K u n z e ; st. 6-12 in. h, erect, polished, blackish,
slightly hairy ; f r . 9-12 in. 1., G-12 in. hr., simply pinnate, with a large terminal
])inna and 2 to 6 subsessile lateral ones on each side, which are 4-6 in. 1., 1-2 in.
hr., ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, nearly entire ; texture subcoriaceons ;
raclns hairy, veins inconspicuous and only uniting towards the edge, midrib
hlack, distinct ; sori in continuous lines along both edges.—H k . Sp. 2. p . 6. t. 79.
B. A. Wilsoni, H k . Sp. 2. p . 6. t. 72. A.
Hab. Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama, Granada, Guiana, aud Brazil.—Scarcely deserving
a place in llewardia, and, except in venation, the resemblance ol the plant is altogether
to A. lucidum and Phyllitidis.
61. A. (Ilew.) oUvaceim, Baker ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, glossy, blackish, naked ;
f r . about 1 ft. each way, wdth a terminal central pinna and one nearly equalling
it on each side ; pinnoe with a large terminal pinnule and several stalked lateral
ones on each side, which are 4-5 in. 1., about J in. hr., lanceolate-acuminate,
equal-sided, but obliquely truncate at the base below, broadly lolied throughout ;
texture papyraceo-herbaceous, the rachis slightly tomentose ; veins conspicuous
and copiously anastomosing, the midrib distinct, black, glossy ; sori in linear
patches J in. br. in the lobes on each side.
Hab. British Guiana, Appun, No. 646.—This resembles A. Hewardia in texture and
venation, differing in the branching and sori.
62. A. (Hew.) Leprieurii, I lk . ; st. 6-9 in. 1., erect, naked, blackish, glossy ;
f r . 9-15 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., deltoid tripinnate, with a termina l pinna 6-9 in. 1., 2 in.
br., and 2 or 3 branches on each side, the low’est of which are branched again ;
pinnl. 1 - lJ in. 1., J - j in br., subdimidiate, the lower line curved so th a t the
inner p a rt of the lower h a lf is cut away, the upper edge rounded, the point
bluntish or acuminate ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; raehis tomentose ; veins
anastomosing but not copiously, no distinct m id rib ; sori in linear patches
i - J in. across on the broad lobes of the upper edge and outer p a rt of the lower
edge.—/ f t . Sp. 2. p . 31. t. 82. B.
Hab. Guiana ; gathered by Leprieur, Schomburgk, and Appun. — Easily distinguished
from the other three by the subdimidiate pinnules without any distinctly-defined
Gen. 22. OcnnopTERis, J . Sm.
Sori marginal, transversely ohlong, occupying the apices of tlie lohes of the
segments. Inm l. the same shape as the sorus, formed of the reflexed margin of
the frond, with which it coincides in texture and covering the sorus. A single
Mauritian species with fre e veins, and the texture and habit o f an ample decompound
Davallia. T a b . I I . f. 22.
1. O. pollens, J . Smith ; st. 2 ft. 1., pale straw-coloured, naked ; f r . about the
same length, about 1 ft. hr., deltoid, quadripinnatifid ; lower pinnl, 3-4 in. 1.,