I -.li
subulate, with a brown line clown the centre, much broader upwaids ; f r . am|)lq
membranaceous, bright-green, bipinnate, glabrous but mealy, with small, wliilt,
búllate scales on the costæ and costules beneath ; prim, pinnæ 1J ft. 1., broad
ovato-oblong ; pinnl. approximate, 4-5 in. 1., 1 in. w., deeply nearly to the costule
p in n a tifid ; /oZ>es copious (lowest ones free), liuear-oblong, obtuse, coarsely serrated
; veins all forked ; sori (fa r advanced) small, a t the forking of the veins,
mostly towards the costa, subtended by a broken invol., most conspicuous a t the
inferior side.—“ Ilemitelia,” Eat.
Hab. Cuba, C. Wright, n. 950.—Allied to A. platylepis, but very distinct.
13. H. (Amphic.) Wilsoni, I l k . ; caud. 12-14 feet high, ra th e r slen d e r; st.
2 4 ft. 1. ; rachises everywhere glabrous and smooth, stramineous-brown ; /■,
12 ft. 1., 4 J f t. w., membranaceous, bright-green, glabrous, bipinnate ; p r im .p inm
] I ft. 1., 4-5 in. br., oblong, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid a t the apex ; pinnl.
oblong-lanceolate, horizontal, acuminate, sessile and adnate, pinnatifid only in
the midclle (not deeply), regularly alternate ; superior ones slightly decurrent;
lobes of the pinnæ pinnatifid at the apex, quite entire, obtuse ; veins fasciculato-
pinnate, free ; sori small, forming a line equidistant between the costa and the
margin ; invol. membranaceous, pale-brown, permanent, irregularly yet often
2-loijed, and these lobes often spreading.—“ Hemitelia S p .” Wils. in Herb, nostr.
Hab. Mansfield, near Bath, Jamaica, alt. 1,000 ft., Wilson, n. 731.—A very peculiar
aud distinct species.
14. II. (Amphic.) Moricandiana, Kze. mst. ; ciwrf. “ 7-8 ft. high ; ”
everywhere unarmed, dark-brown ; f r . ample, glabrous, subcoriaceous, b ip in n a te ;
prim, pinnce 12-14 in. and more 1., 0 in. hr., petiolate, pinnate, pinnatifid above;
pin n l. distant, sessile or subpetiolate, 3-4 in. 1., from a truncated or obliquely-
cuneate base, oblong, acuminate, pinnatifid about half-way to the costa with
triangular-ovate, obtuse, or acute, serrated lobes ; super, p innl. decurrent upon the
rachis ; veins free ; sori copious, forming a single series, generally on the forking
of a vein half-way between the margin and the costule ; invol. a small scale at
the base of the sorus.—Cyathea Moricandi, “ Kse. F il. F l. B ra s, ined.”
Hab. Babia, Bianchet, n. 3227 ; Brit. Guiana, Appun, n. 193.—This does not appear
to be hitherto anywhere described ; yet, it is perhaps too near some of the many forms of
II. Guianensi’s.
15. H. (Amphic.) Guianensis, H k . ; St. muricate or acu le a te ; f r . coriaceo-
membranaceous, bi-tripinnate, glabrous or (beneath especially) subhispido-hirsute;
main rachises deciduously subulato-paleaceous ; super, rachises distinctly winged ;
p innl. sessile or petiolate, 3-5 in. or more 1., >n- hr., oblong-lanceolate, ending
in an entire more or less elongated acumen ; lobes ovate, obtuse, entire ; veins
forked ; sori few on each lobe in the forking of the veins, mostly nearer the costa
th an the margin ; invol. variable, ra th e r lax, often 2-3-lobed (rarely ciliated), the
base often extending round the sorus.—I l k . Sp. 1. p . 31, and Ic. F l. 648. H. Host-
manni, I l k . Sp. p . 31, and Ic. P I. t. 646. 11. Servitensis, K arst. F l. Columb.
t. 95.—/3 P arkeri ; sori more copious, extending higher up the lobes. I I. Parker!,
H k . Sp. 1. p . 32, and le . P I. t. 643. Alsophila ohlongal, K l. in Hb. Hook. (Schomb.
n. 1125).
Hab. Guiana ; Para, Brazil, Spi-iice, n. 612 and 72 ?, and Tarapota, B. Peru, n. 4219,
4331, 4323, 4656, 4712, 4715, and 4717, and Ecuador, n. 5741 I t is with reluctance,
and only after an examination of more perfect specimens, than I before possessed, that I
come to the conclusion that the above supposed .species are slight varieties of one and the
same. Spruce’s very fine and copious specimens have very strong spines on the stipes,
and very large, glossy, long-lanceolate scales, pale-coloured, but with a dark line down
the centre. The species appears to abound in Guiana, Caraccas, and the whole valley of
the Amazon, to Eastern Peru and Ecuador.
(Species o f Ceylon, Pacific, India. Sp. 10-19.)
16. 11. ( Amphic.) Walkerce, I l k . ; st. unarmed or slightly muricated ; f r . ample,
, ■ * ■ • note thick firm very coriaceous ; prim, pinnæ bl- ripinnate thick, him y pinnatififdt,. o1r. , asgeacionn dp, mpninatn«æ.,
rather remote, 3-4 iii._ '•>¿“ 9 J „ l a U s oblong very obtuse, entire or slightly
oblong, n a rrow -a cum in a te ; 01 ^“ ^ ^ K L a t h ; copious, s u n k ,
crenate, often dec'd"°us^i ocèupvin- the lowest fork close to the costules ; invol.
forked once 0 1 twice ,_ .wn oc P.v = the lower half of the sorus, then
large, hemispherical im Ì 2 obed - c X h e a .
h N e T p Î s . p . 396. Amphicosmia, Moore Alsophila comosa /3,
m S p i p . b l n o t a ^ fripinnata; uït. pinnl. larger, lobulato-serrate.
Hab. Ceylon, to an alt. of 6.000 « - -O u r excellentjr^^^^^^^^
|s1 n7 X X : X l ' ' r s X c i r n : . r m \ of wlLh n.igbt b a r r e d to HemUelia, some
to AUophila, while others have the involucres nearly of Cyathea.
17. H. (AmphlcO
a f t h f ' f ia è ro f S L on the main ra cHs P)2 f n l te ,X n n a t i f i f
L t m T i t t e ax il of the forked veins, nearer the margin
g r f u ;X 7 “ b“ o u !-b u rij7 m
denticulato-serrated margins of the lobes.
t\\c costules beneath paleaceous or jnlose m gla 2,eal 2 p 8 t *¡2.
veins ; invol. hemispherical.”—Cyathea, l l k . f F l. N . Zeal. ¿ .p . 8. is,.
Hab. N, Zealand, Ralfs.
19. H. (Amphic.) Ju n ghuniana,Uoii.; “ unarmed ; / r . c h a rt^ e o u s or
naceous, above deep-g
with minute,flattisli, -
f r . hiçinnatisecto-pinnatfoartite eioiigat - ¿ b iX : c renukto-in“cised
acuminate ; second, ones 4 ^m . h , q ^ch side, forked a t the base ;
G en . 6. A l so ph ila , B r .
forked, free. T ab. I . f. 6.
* (Species o f S. Ameri.c a. Sp. 1-87.)
Pinnate or bipinnate, pinnl. entire cyr pinnatifid. Sp. 1 - 6 .
i l