220 38. A S P L E N I U M , § § E U A S P L E N I U M .
151. A. Fadyeni, H k . ; st. scattered, 8-4 in. 1., slender, scaly below ; f r . 6-8
in. 1., 2 in. br., with several distant horizontal lanceolate pinnæ on each side,
which are only lobed in the upper third, h u t cut down below into spathulate
pinnl. 2 lin. 1., J in. hr. ; textwe lierbaceous ; radas naked, flaccid ; vems
p in n a te ; sori few, small, linear-oblong.—H k . Sp. 3. p. 192. 2nd Cent. t. 27.
Hab. Jamaica, McFadyen.—Th.m is a feebler plant th.an the less cut forms of A . rhizo-
phyllnm, with fewer and more distant pinnæ and pmnules.
152. A. tenuifolium, D o n ; St. tufted, 3-6 in. 1., slender, naked, slightly
ebeneous ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 3-5 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, with numerous pinnæ
on each side, the low'er ones 2-3 in. 1., | in. br. ; lower p innl. subdeltoid, cut
down to a narrowly-winged rachis into spathulate segm. J in. br., sharply
incised on the outer edge ; textitre thinly herbaceous ; rachis green, naked,
slender ; veins solitary ; sari 1 or 2 to each segm. placed on the disk.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 193. 2nd Cent. F. t. 29. A. concinnum, Wall.
Hab. Himalayas, Neilgherries, Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula.
163. A. rUzophyllum, Kunze ; St. tufted, 2-6 in. 1., greyish, naked ; f r . 6-12
in. ]., lJ -2 in. br., cut down into numerous close-placed horizontal p innæ on
each side, the central ones 1 in. 1., J - f in. hr., cut down throughout nearly to the
centre into simple or forked erecto-patent pinnl., the lowest on the under side
suppressed ; texture herbaceous ; raehis compressed, winged ; veins one to each
segm. ; sori solitary, sukmarginal.—A. dubium. Brack. (3, A . myriopliyllum,
Pre sl ; f r . broader ; central p innæ I j in. 1., with lower pinnl. cu t down into
several simple or foiked linear segm.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 200.
Hab. Wisconsin, Florida, and W. Indies, to Peru, Sandwich Islands, and Fiji ; and
gathered lately hy Mr, Sanderson in Natal.—A. strictum, Brack, t. 23, differs from the
typical plant by its stronger rachis, and pinnules of the upper half of the pinnæ linear-
falcate and simple ; A. lifissum, Fée, is .a slender form, with pinnatifid pinnules with
distant linear segments ; and A. cladolepton. Fée, has cuneato-flabellate lower pinnules
deeply 2- to 3-cleft at the apex.
154. A. rutaceum, Mett. ; st. tufted, 1-4 in. 1., naked, polished, chesnut-brown ;
f r . 0-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., oblong-lanceolate, elongated and radicant at the apex ;
; numerous, close-placed, horizontal, the central ones 1 - lJ in. 1., J-§ in. br.,
__ ___________________ _____ _ m.K <-.1 mànnml O li-eu t down to thé rachis into numerous rhomboidal p in n l. 2 linr reû os ûeQa/c>hn WwTOaIyT •;
low'est segm. spatlmlate, stalked ; texture thinly herbaceous ; rachis polished
and chesnut-brown like the stem ; veins one to each segm. ; sori solitary, central.
— Hk: Sp. 3. p . 203. 2nd Cent. F . t. 34.
Hab. Venezuela, New Granada, Ecuador, Galapagos Island— This differs from the
preceding by its radicant habit and distinctly obovate-spathulate pinnules. I t comes near
A. rachirhizon, Raddi.
165. A. eieutarimn, Sw a rtz ; sf. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., firm, greenish, naked ; / r .
6-16 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., with 10-16 horizontal ?>««««? on each side, the lower ones
2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down to the rachis into numerous ovate-rhomboidal
pinnl., which are | - J in. 1., J in. b r., obliquely truncate on the lower side, and cut
down to the rachis throughout into linear or ohlong segm., the la tte r once or
twice cleft a t the apex ; texture th in ly herhaceous ; colour bright-green ; rachis
compressed and often winged ; sori principally in two rows along the pinnl.—
H k . Sp. 3. p . 198.—j3, A . Abyssinicum, Fée ; f r . flaccid ; texture th in ; pinnl.
and segm. fewer and broader.—Hk . Sp. 3. p . 191.
-Hab. Tropical America, from Cuba and Mexico to P e ru ; Abyssinia, Maealisberg, Guinea
Coast.—A. montvex'dense, Hk. 2nd Cent, t, 41, appears to be a reduced form of this.
5SS Darea, Ju ss. (Coenopteris, Bory). Veins simple, ultimate divisions o f the
f rm d narrowly linear ; sori linear or linear-oblong, marginal
Sp. 166-177. See also Sp. 62, 144. Fig. 38. b. c.
* Fronds 6-9 in. I., lanceolate or subdeltoid. Sp. 166-164.
166. A. (Darea) Mannii, H k . ; st. tufted, 1 in. or more 1., slender, naked ; f r .
1-2 in. 1., 1 in. hr., lanceolate-deltoid, the upper branches simple, the lower ones
once or twice forked dichotomously ; primary or secondary branches j - J in. I.,
not more th an J lin. br. ; texture thinly herbaceous, a single vein m each branch ;
sori oblong, solitary, marginal.—« / . 2nd Cent. t. 60.
Hab. Cameroon Mountains and Eernando Po ; discovered by Gustave Mann, and
gathered also lately in Zambesi Land by Dr. Kirk.
157. A. (Darea) brachypteron, Kunze ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r .
4-6 in 1 1-1J in br., with 12-24 horizontal B»«® on each side, ot which trom
h a lf té /e a r ly the whole of the lower side is cut away, the largest J-# in. 1., cut
down to the rachis into simple or forked linear pm n l. 1-1-^ Im. 1. ; t o » «
herbaceous ; rachis slender, naked ; sori solitary, often quite marginal.—« / . Int.
F x . t. 14.
Hab. Madagascar, Natal, Angola, and Guinea Coast.
158 A. (Darea) Drege.anum, Kunze ; st. 2-4 in. 1., grey, naked ; f r . 6-9 in. 1.,
2-3 in. br., flaccid and rooting a t the point, with numerous flaccid B»«® on each
side, some of which have h a lf the lower side cut away ; the largest I - ? m- fr
cu t down into simple or slightly-forked linear p m n l in. 1.; ioeiM«
herbaceous ; rachis naked ; sori solitary, submarginal.—« / . Sp. 3. p . / id .
Hab. N a t a l .— Very doubtfully distinct from A. h'achypterou, with which it is joined by
169. A. (Darea) obtusilobum, H k . ; sf. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., naked, greenish ; / r .
6 in 1 2 in br., with 9-12 subdeltoid pinnæ on each side, of which only the
inner th ird on the lower side is cut away, the largest 1 in. 1., | in. hr. ; lowest
pinnl. I in. deep, flabellately cut into 3-6 linear lobes; ¿ « » « herbaceous;
raehis green, naked ; veins one in eaeli fork ; son submarginal.—« / . Ic. t. 1000.
Hab. Tanna and Aneiteum ; and a less-divided plant gathered by Dr. Seemann in Fiji
is probably the same.—Closely allied to the two preceding.
160. A. (Darea) dichotomum, H k . ; st. tufted, 1 in. 1., firm, erect, greenisli ;
fr 3 4 in 1 1 - l i in. br., oblong, acute, tripinnate, with 8-12 pmnæ on each
•side which ¿re tiu n c a te on the lower side, cut down to a narrow compressed
rachis. only the lower pinnl. again pinnatifid ; ult. segm. f i - 2 Im. 1., * m. bi.
texture herbaceous ; main rachis compressed, greenish, naked ; oizc to ea^ch
segm. ; sori solitary, linear, quite marginal.—« / . Sp. 3. p . 210. 2nd Cent. t. oJ.
Hab. Borneo.
161 A. (Dare a) bipinnatifidum, B ra c k .; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., naked, wiry,
ttobtlV-üTtténed p in k l, ¿ 1 d e e / the lowest again p in n a tifid ; texture suh-
coidaceous ; rachis firm, erect, naked ; veins one in each segm. ; so n small,
solitary, marginal.—D. furca ta , Brack, p . 1/0.
Hab, Fiji ; gathered by Brackenridge, Seemann, and Milne.