mucronate, the central one the largest, and all sometimes a little toothed, the
base cuneate, nearly equal on both sides, the lower ones distinctly stalked ;
textwre very coriaceous ; veins obscure ; sori in two close rows.—H k . Sp. 4.
p . 15. t. 216.
Hab. Jamaica ; gathered by Purdie and Wilson.-
-This and the preceding are both
united by Grisebach with triangulum.
iJ lm!
*** Lower pinnæ once pinnate, Sp. 18-29.
18. A. (Polyst.) aculeatum, Sw. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., more or less clothed
with ovate-lanceolate and iibrillose pale brown-scales ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 8-12 in. br.,
ovate-lanceolate ; lower pinnoe close, lanceolate, 4-6 in. 1., -j-f in. br. ; pinnl.
ovate-rhomboidal, unequal-sided, auricled on the upper side a t the base ; teeth
aristate ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis straw-coloured, more or less scaly ;
under surface slightly fibrillose ; sori principally in two rows nearer the midrib
th an the edge.—a, A . lohatum, Sw. ; texture coriaceous ; pinnl. confluent at the
base.—(S, A . aculeatum, Sw. ; texture less rigid ; pinnl. sessile, the lower ones free.
—7 , A . angulare, Willd. ; texture less rigid, lower pinnl. stalked, sometimes
deeply pinnatifid.—Hk. Sp. 4 .p , 18.
H a b . T h ro u g h o u t th e world ; ra re in tb e A rc tic regions an d E a s te rn N . Am e ric a .—
A . squarromm, Don {rufo-harhatum, Wall.) has tb e rach is densely clothed with reddish-
brown fibrillose scales ; A . pvolifei'um, D r., is a proliferous A u stra lian 'fo rm ; A . vestitum,
Sw., h a s th e rachis densely clothed to th e p o in t b o th w ith reddish-brown fibrillose an d
la rg e lanceola te d ark-brown scales ; A . hiaristatum, Blume, has th e frond n a rrow ed sudd
en ly upwards, an d la rg e rhomboidal pinnules, a ris ta te princ ipally a t th e p o in t an d
au ricle ; th e Cape A . luctuosum, K u n z e , has th e scales of th e rachis fibrillose an d n e a rly
bla ck ; A . Tsus-Simense, H k ., is probably a slender form ; an d A . o rdinatum an d Moritz-
ia n um , K u n z e , an d Po lyp , muricatum, L ., a re lu x u ria n t forms from S. America. W e
h ave n on-indusia te forms from N ew Zealand {Polyp, sylvaticum, Colenso), B rita in (var.
plumosum, Moore) ; an d th e re is a wide ran g e of forms in S. A m e ric a included u n d e r
Polyp, rig id um (Sp. F il. 4 . p. 2 4 6 ; I c . F il. t. 1 6 3 ) , which corresp o n d to th e various forms
o f th is species, differing o nly by th e w a n t of an iuvolucre.
19. A. (Po ly st.) pungens, Kaulf. ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping ; st. scattered,
1 ft. 1., stramineous, scaly only below ; f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 9-12 in. br. ; pnnnæ
6-12 in. 1., 1-2 in. br. ; pin n l. ovate-rhomboidal, unequal-sided, often deeply
pinnatifid, the teeth awned ; texture subcoriaceous ; both surfaces naked ; sori
principally in two rows nearer the midrib th an the edge.—Schlecht. Adumh.
p . 21. t. 10.
H a b . Cape Colony a n d N a ta l.—B e s t d is tin g u ish ed from aculeatum by its creeping
20. A. (Po ly st.) mohrioides, B o ry ; st. tufted, 2-6 in .l ., stout, more, or less
densely clothed with lanceolate dark-brown sc ales; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 2-3 in. br.,
with numerous dense, often imbricated, lanceolate pinn<x, which are cut down
below into slightly-toothed oblong-rhomboidal p in n l.; teeth blu n t or mucronate ;
texture coriaceous ; both surfaces naked ; rachis stout, compressed, s c a ly ; veins
close, immersed ; sori copious.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 26.
Hab. Patagonia and the Cordilleras of Chili.—Like a stout reduced form of lohatum ;
but teeth in the typical specimens not at all spinulose ; and a specimen from Bourbon
quite agrees with the Patagonian plant.
21. A. (Po ly st.) ohtusum, M e tt.; st. tufted, 4-6 in. 1., densely clothed with
large, ovate-acuminate, bright-brown scales ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 4-6 in. br.,
lanceolate, with numerous distant linear-lanceolate the lower ones 3-4 in.
1., I in. b r . ; pinnl. distinct, oblong-rhomboidal, the obscure teeth blunt or
mucronate ; texture subcoriaceous ; surfaces naked ; rachis densely fibrillose ;
sori in two rows midway between edge and midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 24. t. 221.
Hab. Luzon, 1, 234, Lobb.—Probably should be joined to aculeatum.
22. A. (Polyst.) californicum, E aton ; st. 4-6 in. 1., straw-coloured, slightly
scaly ; f r . 12-15 in. 1., 4 in. br., with numerous close-placed lanceolate pinnoe,
the largest 2 in. 1., ^ in. br., the upper p a rt with a broad, entire centre, the
lower cut down nearly or quite to the rachis ; pinnl. ovate-deltoid, unequalsided,
the teeth very mucronate ; texture coriaceous ; rachis clothed throughout
with small pale-brown scales; under surface fibrillose, especially on the midrib ;
sori almost confined to the outer h a lf of the pinnoe.—Proc. Am. A c . vol. 6.
p . 555.
Hab. California, Hillebrand.—Very near A. lobatum.
28. A. (Po ly st.) Richardi, H k . ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1., stout, erect, scaly
throughout ; f r . 9-18 in. L, 6-9 in. hr., ovate-deltoid, with numerous close-
placed lanceolate pinnoe 3-6 in. I., 1-1^ in. br., cut down below into distinct
lanceolate sharply-toothed deeply-lobed pin n l. ; texture coriaceous ; rachis
slightly scaly ; both surfaces nearly naked ; veins immersed ; sori in two rows
midway between the midrib and edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 23. t. 222.
Hab. New Zealand and Fiji.—Differs from aculeatum by its more rigid texture, shorter
teeth, aud lower pinnæ not reduced.
24. A. (Polyst.) oculatum, H k .; st. tufted, 1 ft. 1., firm, straw-coloured, clothed
throughout with dark-brown lanceolate scales ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 4-6 in. br.,
ovate-deltoid, with numerous p innoe on each side, the lower ones lanceolate-
deltoid, 3-4 in. 1,, in. hr., with lanceolate cut down nearly to the rachis
into oblong-rhomboidal segm.; texture coriaceous; rachis scaly throughout ;
lower surface furfuraceous ; veins immersed ; sori in two rows near the midrib.
—Hk. Sp. 4. p . 24. t. 228.
Hab. New Zealand.—Very near the last, but the under surface downy, and segments
shorter and blunter. Species 19-24 are all very near to 18.
25. A. (Polyst.) cystostegia, H k . ; st. tufted, 2-4 in. 1., brown, shining, clothed
with large lanceolate pale-brown scales ; f r . 6-9 in. L, 1^-2 in. br., oblong-
lanceolate ; central pinnoe close, ovate-deltoid, the lower ones distant and
reduced ; lower p innl. oblong-lanceolate, deeply lobed, the teeth blu n t ; texture
subcoriaceous ; colour bright-green ; surfaces naked ; rachis densely clothed with
linear pale-brown scales ; sori in two rows in the lower pinnl. ; invol. large,
very convex.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 26. t. 227.
Hab. Mountains of N. Zealand.—A well-marked plant, scarcely more than herbaceous
in texture.
26. A. (P o ly st.) Frescottianum, H k . ; st. tufted, 1-4 in. 1., clothed with large
lanceolate pale-brown scales ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 2-3 in. br., narrowly ovate-
lanceolate, with numerous s p r e a d i n g i n . 1., J - f in. br,, cut down to
the rachis into several oblong-rhomboidal pinnl. with aristate teeth ; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachis weak, stramineous, densely scaly throughout ; veins
immersed ; sori filling up nearly the whole breadth between edge and midrib.—
H k . Sp. 4. p. 22. t. 223.
Hab. N. India, ascending to 12,000 ft.—Distinguishable from the other Himalayan
forms by its long narrow finely-cut flaccid frond.
27. A. (P o ly st.) anomalum, H k . & Arn. ; st. tufted, 1-2 ft. I., stout, erect,
il. !" li ' 1