!: ft
texture subcoriaceous ; raeUs and under surface th in ly clothed with minute ovate
toothed scales ; veinlets obscure, simple ; sori in 2 long rows.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 276. B.
Hab. Guatemala ; gathered hy Mr. Skinner.
fi??' f f ffrfu ra c em n , Schlecht. ; rki-ome strong, densely clothed with brown
woolly hbrils ; st. 3-4 in. 1., rigid, erect, scaly and villose ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 2-4
in. br., cut down to the raclus into linear acute or bluntisii entire pinnæ 2 lin.
hr., dilated on both sides at the base ; te-xture coriaceous ; racliis and under side
clothed with dense scales and soft spreading hairs ; veinlas forked ; sori in 2 Iona
rows.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p. 213.
Hab. Mexico.—Rigid habit and dense scales oi Lepicystis, but the veins free.
1/4. P. papillosum, B lum e ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, sc a ly ; ii. 4-6 in.
1., erect, slender, rigid, naked ; f r . 1 ft. or more I., 2 in. br., cut down to the
rachis into close horizontal b lu n t entire or faintly crenated pinnæ 2-3 lin. br •
tfitu re papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and both surfaces naked ; veins black,’
distinct, once forked ; sori in rows near the edge, deeply immersed, the cavity
prominent on the upper side.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 198. 2nd Gent. t. 46.
Hab. Java and Philippines, and, according to Mettenius, Japan.
175. P. radicale, Moritz ; st. 6-8 in. I., tufted, ebeneous, rigid, clothed with
soft spreading hairs ; f r . 8-12 in. L, 2-3 in. br., cut down to the racliis into
spreading entire blunt p innæ J in. br., dilated a t the base, the lower ones not
reduced ; texture coriaceous ; hoth surfaces naked ; veinlets hidden ; sori large, in
marginal rows.
Hab. S. Brazil, Gardner, 128 ; Venezuela, Fendler, 216.—Most like P. suspensum in
cutting, but suberect, and the texture so rigid that the frond will scarcely adhere to
^ 176. P . pulchrum, M. & G. ; rhizome stout, shortly scaly ; st. suhtufted 3-4
in. 1., rigid, erect, blackish, glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. 1.,‘ 2-3 in. hr., cut down’ into
close horizontal entire blu n t pinnæ 1 - lJ lin. hr., dilated a t the base ; texture
papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis rigid, black, scaly throughout on the lower side ■
imdrzb black ; vemlets obscure ; sori small, iu 2 long rows H k . Sp. 4. p . 199.
Hab. Cuba and Mexico to Brazil.—Very near P. taxifolium, but a coarser plant, with
less distinct venation.
• f B - ; rhizome stout, scaly ; St. subtiifted, 2-4 in. ]., erect,
rigid, clothed with soft spreading hairs ; f r . 6-12 in. or more 1., lJ -3 in. hr., cut
down to the rachis into close entire or slightly crenated blu n t horizontal pinnæ
Jj-to Im. hr., the lower ones distant and much reduced ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous or subcoriaeeous ; rachis naked or villose ; both sides naked ; 'veinlets
distmct, with the sori terminal upon them.—P. Plum u la , / / . /?. K .
H k . Sp. 4. p. 200. ■ ’
Hab. Mexico and West Indies to Peru and South Brazil.—Well distinguished by its
nnely-cut pectinate habit and simple oblique usually distinctly-marked veinlets with the
son tCTminal upon them. P. ferrugineum (M. & G.), Hk, Sp. 4. p. 182. and P. apicula-
turn (Kze.), Hk. I. c. p. 185. both seem small forms of this, rather thicker in texture than
usual. P. L Herminieri, Fée, Fil. Ant. t. 12. belongs here.
1 K a u lf .; rhizome creeping, the scales ovate-lanceolate,
bright-ferrugmous ; st. 3-6 in. 1., firm, erect ; f r . 1-3 ft. 1., 4-6 in. hr., cut down
to the rachis mto close entire acuminate pinnæ j - J in. hr., the lower ones
quite distmct, not smaller th an the others ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis finely
pubescent ; vems obscure, forked ; sori in a single medial im e .—Mett. Polyp,
p . 00.
Hab. Brazil, Burchell, 1977, 2020.—This comes near some of the forms of P. pectinatum,
but the scales are different, and the lower pinnæ not reduced.
179. P . pectinatum, L. ; rhizome stout, fibrillose ; st. rigid, erect, 2-6 in. 1.,
naked or finely villose ; f r . 1-2 ft. 1., 2-6 in. br., cut down to the rachis into
close blu n t horizontal entire or slightly-toothed pinnæ lJ -3 lin. br., the lower
ones miicli reduced ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; colour deep-green ; rachis
and loth sides naked or finely viilose ; veinlas pellucid, once or twice forked ;
sori in long rows.— / / / . Sp. 4. p . 203. G. P . t. 10. P . lomariæforme, Kze. H k .
I. c. ?, P . Schkuhrii, Raddi ; f r . smaller, n early naked, the veins black.—
Ilk . Sp. 4. p . 204.
Hab. Mexico and W. Indies to Peru and Brazil ; common.—Similar in habit to the two
last, but larger, with the veinlets pellucid in the living, and consequently inconspicuous in
the dried plant, usually twice forked, and producing the sorus from the tip of the lowest
180. P . meridense, Klotzsch ; rhizome creeping, the scales fibrillose, dark-
brown ; St. 3-6 in. ]., wiry, black, scarcely at all villose ; f r . 6-9 in. 1., 3 in. br.,
lanceolate, cu t down to the rachis into close bluntish slightly crenate pinnæ
2 lin. hr., which are dilated at the base, the lowest not reduced ; texture
coriaceous ; rachis villose ; both surfaces nearly naked ; veins hidden, once
forked ; sori submarginal.—Klotzsch, Lin n . 29. p . 380. P . Spixianum, Mart.
Hab. Columbia, Moritz, 335, Lindig; Brazil, Burchell, 2268.
181. P . Alitaguæ, H k . ; rhizome clothed with linear bright-ferruginous
scales ; st. 6-9 in. 1., firm, erect, ebeneous, finely villose ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1.,
3-4 in. hr., cut down to the rachis into oiisourely undulated suhacute horizontal
pinnæ j in. hr., dilated a t the base, the lowest not reduced ; texture coriaceous ;
rachis and both sides finely villose ; veins immersed, once forked ; sori in tivo
rows midway between the edge and inidrib.—B k . Sp. 4. p . 206.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Spruce, 5281.—Very near tbe last, from which it differs by its
finely-villose stem and surface and medial sori. The two are much more coriaceous than
pectinatum, with the veins hidden, and lower pinnæ not reduced.
182. P . Moritzianum, Link ; rhizome stout, creeping ; scales lanceolate-subulate,
ferruginous ; st. 4-6 in. 1., naked, glossy, erect ; f r . erect, 12-18 in. 1., 3-4
in. br., cut down nearly or quite to the rachis into close bluntish nearly
horizontal obscurely undulated pinnoe ¿ - | in. br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous
; rachis and both surfaces naked ; veinlas distinct, once forked ; sori in
two long rows.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p . 202.
Hab. Venezuela, Moritz, 217, Fendler, Steets.
183. P . ellipsoidemn. Fée ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, the scales long,
spreading, lanceolate-acuminate, dark-brown ; St. 3-4 in. slender, erect ; f r .
6-9 in. 1., lJ -2 in. br., cut down to the rachis into close spreading pinnæ lJ -2
lin. hr., which are slightly dilated a t the base and then narrowed gradually to
an acute point ; texture th in ; rachis and hoth sides finely villose ; veinlas
pellucid, the lower ones subpinnate ; sori ohlong, in a close row near the edge.
Hab. Mexico,
184. P . Martensii, Mett. ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, clothed with large
bright-ferruginous lanceolate membranous scales ; st. 1-2 in. 1., firm, erect ; f r .
8-12 in. 1., 3-4 in. br., cut down to the rachis into numerous entire horizontal
pinnæ 2 lin. hr., with their own breadth between them ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous ; rachis and botli sides finely viilose ; veins subpinnate ; sori medial,
12 or more on each side.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 207.
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