texture coriaceous ; veins p rom in e n t;
teeth.—Mett. F il. Nov. Cal. No. 73.
ri small, placed at the base of the small
Hab. Aneiteum aud New Caledonia.—Near H. alpina, but the teeth of the fertile
fronds much sharper.
9. D. (Hum.) vestita, Blume ; rhizome wide-creeping, densely scaly ; st. 3-4 in.
]., ra th e r scaly below ; f r . 4-8 iu. 1., 3-4 in. br., deltoid in outline ; all, except
the wppexpinnæ, cut down to a narrowly-winged ra ch is; barren frond with the
segm. of all, except the lower pinnæ, blunt, scarcely toothed ; lohes of the
fertile pinnæ narrower, sharper toothed ; of the lower ones deeply so ; texture
coriaceous ; sori placed on the teeth of the segments.—H k . Sp. 1 . / . 166. t. 41. C.
D. hipinnatifida, Blume, H k . 1. c.
Hab. Java and Ceylon.
10. D. (H um .) Cumingii, H k . ; rhizome creeping, scaly ; st. 3-4 in. 1., both it
and the rachis rather scaly ; sterile f r . about 1 in. each way, deltoid-cordate, cut
down nearly to the rachis ; upper pinnæ blunt, slightly toothed, the lower pa ir
deeply pinnatifid below ; texture coriaceous ; fertile f r . 4-6 in. 1., 3 in. hr., th e
same shape, b u t much more divided ; l o w e s t d e e p l y pinnatifid with sharply
toothed lobes ; sori placed in the teeth of the segments.—H k , Sp. 1. p . 166.
t. 46. B.
Hab. Philippine Islands.
11. D. (H um .) hotrychioides, Brack. ; «Ai*oî«o wide-creeping, sc a ly ; st. 8-5 in.
1., scaly below ; f r . 6-8 in. 1., 3-6 in. br., deltoid in general outline, decidedly
dimorphous, the barren ones with a narrowly-winged rachis ; lowest pinnæ cnt
down nearly to the rachis, with deep bluntly-toothed segments ; fertile p innæ
much more finely divided ; pinnl. of the lower pinnæ cut down to a narrow
rachis with narrow sharply-toothed segments almost covered with. sori.—Brack,
t. 32. fig. 1.
Hab. Aneiteum and F i j i Islands.
12. D. (Hum.) Imrayana, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, paleaceous ; st. 4-8 in .
]., erect, brown or black, naked, polished ; f r . 6-12 in. 1., 4-6 in. hr., ovate, once
pinnate ; pinnoe 7 to 15, the largest about 3 in. 1., 1 in. hr., lanceolate, with broad
ialunt teeth, somewhat unequal-sided and obliquely truncate a t the base below ;
texture herbaceous, both surfaces naked ; sori placed in the teeth a t a short
distance from the margin ; invol. rounded, broader th an deep, attached by the
base only.—I lk . Sp. \ . p . 171. t. 49. A.
Hab. Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Guiana.
§§ Leucostegia. Invol. attached as in Ilumata, huit smaller, narrower, and
thinner. Sp. 13-24. Pinnules miiform on the lower and upper side. Fronds
various in size and texture, with one exception tri- or quadripinnatifid or pinnate,
mostly inhabiting Polynesia and tropncal A sia , several expending to the Himalayas,
some to New Zealand, but nm e either to A fr ica or America. Acrophorus o f Moore
includes this and Odontoloma.
13. D. (Leucos.) Parishii, H k . M S S .; rhizome creeping, scarcely scaly ; st.
slender, 3-4 in. 1.; f r . flaccid, 6-9 in. 1., 4-6 in . br., deltoid, cut down to the
rachis below, but not above ; lower/« « « « distant, the lowest pair broadest and
most deeply cut on the lower sid e ; lowest pinnl. reaching down nearly to the
rachis, toothed more th an halfway down, with ohlong b lu n t crenate lobes;
texture membranous ; sori few, marginal in the creuations.
Hab. Limestone rooks, Moulmein, Rev. 0. S, Parish.—A very distinct species.
14. D. (Leucos.) m e m h r a n u h s a ,W s l \ k \ \ ; r h i z o m e stout, wide-creepin», denselv
clothed with lanceolate pale-browm scales ; s t . 2-3 in. 1. ; f r . 6-9 in. 2-3 in hr
lanceolate, once fu lly pinnate,_ b u t the main rachis slightly winged above ; lower
p i n n æ lanceolate, 2-3 in. I., 4-in. br., cut down to a narrowly-winged rachis into
numerous sharply-toothed oblong segments ; t e x t u r e th in ly herbaceous ; s o r i
2 to 8 to a segment, obliquely placed between the costa aud margin. I l k . Sp. 1.
p . 159. t . 53. A.
Hab. Himalayas of Nepaul, Kumaon, and Eootan..
16. D. (Leucos.) im m e r s a , W a llich ; r h i z o m e hypogæous, wide-creeping, stout
fibrillose ; S t. 4-8 m. 1., strong, erect ; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 6-9 in. br., deltoid! tripin!
nate ; lowest/«»«A lanceolate-deltoid, 2-3 in. 1., 1 in. br., with broad s e q m .
which are obliquely truncate a t the base below, and roundly lobed, with the
lobes again crenate above ; t e x t u r e herbaceous ; s o r i large (1 lin. b r ) 1 to 6
segment, oblique.—f t / . Sp. 1. p . 166. F il. F x . t . 79. Cyst, dimidiata,
Hab. Hindostán ascending on the Himalayas to 6-8,000 ft., Malayan Peninsula and
Java.—By Its subdimidiate segments this connects Leucostegia with Odontoloma ■ it is
also peculiar m having the rhizome developed beneath the surface of the soil.
16. p . (Leucos.) multidentata, H k . MSS. ; rhizome stout, wide-creeping, s c a ly
f ■ t o 1 clothed below with large ovate-lanceolate pale-brown scales ’•
1 i, ’ J r • '"’i ovate-deltoid, bipinnate ; p innl. of the lower pinnæ 2-3 in.
f t 1 m. br., deltoid-lanceolate, acuminate, cut down to a narrow rachis with
deeply inciso-pmnatifid ovate-oblong lower segm.; texture herbaceous- sori
2 to 12 to a segment, placed a t the base of its teeth on the upper side of
the central vein.—Aspidium multidentatum. Wall. Cat. 846. Acrof Thomsoni
Moore. ’
Hab. Himalayas of Nepaul, Sikkim (5-7,000 ft.), Assam, &o.
17. p . (Leucos.) p uhhra, Don ; rhizome thick, creeping, densely clothed with
mnceolate bright-hrown scales ; st. 2-6 in. 1., erect, scaly below ; fr. 6-9 in. 1.
p 4 in. br., lanceolate-deltoid, tri- or quadripinnate ; lower pinnl. deltoid, their
fobes cut p w n to the raehis into very narrowly linear sharp-pointed segments •
texture subcoriaceous,- so n copious, broader th an the segments, placed a t thè
ultimate forks.—f t / . 1. / . 160.
Hab. HimaHyas of Khasia and Sikkim, up to 11-12,000 ft.—An elegant plant, with
aU tue copious divisions very narrow.
P re s l; rhizome creeping, th ick ly clothed with
purphsh-hlack rigid hairs ; St. 2-3 in. 1., erect ; f r . 4-6 in. 1., 3-4 in. hr., deltoid,
■i" ; niam rachis slightly winged ; lowest p innæ unequalsided
deltoid ; pin n l. oblong, cut down nearly to the rachis with segments
winch are again deeply toothed, ultimate divisions of the fertile frond falcate
mucronate, of the barren frond ra th e r broader and not so sharp ; texture subcoriaceous
; so n 2 to 6 to a lobe, placed at the base of the te e th .—f t / . S v 1
p . 159. *
Hab. Philippine Islands.—This would perhaps be better placed amongst the deltoid
Eudavalhæ, with which it agrees in habit. r u &
J,,}?' ■ (Beucos.) Novas Zelandias, Colenso ; rhizome creeping, clothed with
ffliform scales ; st. 4-8 in. 1., firm, e re c t; f r . 12-18 in. 1., 4-8 in. hr., deltoid,
tr ip in n a te ; lower pinnl. deltoid-lanceolate, cut down to the racliis, except
towards the apex, into narrow deeply pinnatifid acute segments; texture subconaceous;
smi irumerous, placed on the teeth of the segments.—f t / . S p. 1 .
p . 158. t. 61. B. Gard. Ferns, t, 61, Acrophoius hispidus, Moore,