A**. Under surface matted or furfuraceous. Sp. 313-318.
313. P . (Ph ym .) percussum, Cav. ; rhizome wiry wide creepina- tlie seal
lanceolate, adj.ressed, deciduous ; st. 2-3 in. 1., distaut7finn, e re c t' ¿ K 6 2 n 1
IcAuTV ! ,1 " T T ’ " " 'J '" '® ', gradually towards l.otli en d s; textire very f t .
Hab. Columbia to Peru and Brazil.
lU .S p .B .p .B G . Pleopeltis e n s ifo lia ,/f t. « a ;./- f. i. 6 2 . PKtotum, HiUd.
ft' linearifolium, I lk . ; rhizome wide-creeping denselv clotlied
with secund fibriilose ferruginous scales ; f r . sessile, S-4 in. 1. f a l l b? bi ,t
ligiiiate, entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; upper surface sIio-btl\-^ In , P i ’
coated with loose woolly tome,.turn ; a i e o f t Z ' ¿ t ¿ .i tn iT ?
¿ 1 1 1 7 7 n iid r ib " .-/ft.¥ ;:s !" ;!“53! 2 « /
^oHab. Tsus-Sima, Wilford, 862 ; Formosa, Oldham, 54 ; Peel Island, Korea, Oldham,
life lr,' I n - i g h f e K l ^ K ’ te j® / j ■ ' " f t ’ the scales
Hab. North India to Tahiti and N. S. Wales.
T h y m .) samarense, Mett. ; rhizome firm, wide-creeping clothed with
deciduous spreading white linear scales ; ri. 1-4 in. 1., firm e rect^’f r 1 2 ft I
H ab . Samar, P h ilip p in e s, Cummg, 323 (in p a rt).—This an d th e th re e preceding agree
w ith Niffiioholus in th e coa ting of th e u n d e r surface, b u t w ith Phyrrvatodes in vena tion.
B. Substance thinner, and veins distinct. Sp. 819-829.
819. P. {Phym.') Swartzii, B a k e r; rhizome wide-creeping, slender, the scales
linear, ferruginous ; st. j-1 in. 1., slender, naked ; f r . nearly or quite uniform,
2-4 iu. 1., j-1 in. br., narrowed gradually tow^ards both ends, the edge entire
or sUghly lobed ; texture subcoriaceous; both sides n a k e d ; fine, copious,
irregular ; sori uniserial on free veinlets.—P. serpens, Sw. H k . Sp. 5. p . 35.
{non Forst.). Anapeltis, J . Sm.
H a b . W e st In d ie s an d Cayenne.—P . runcinatum, Desv., is th e sin u a to -c ren a te form.
320. P . (Phym.) zosteroeforme. Wall. ; rhizome wide-creeping, slender, scaleless
; S t . j-1 in. 1., very slender ; f r . 4-6 in. ]., 2 lin. br,, the edge entire, the
base narrowed gradually ; texture herbaceous ; colour dark-green, both sides
naked ; veinlets distinct, no main veins ; areolæ in 2-3 irregular rows with no
free veinlets ; sori distant in rows close to the midrib.—Hk, Sp. 5. p. 64.
H a b . Tenasserim, Wallich, 280 ; Moulmein, Pa rish , 191.
321. P . (P h ym .) stigmaticum, Pre sl ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, fibrillose ;
f r . subsessile, uniform, 4-5 in. 1., j- |- in. br., entire, narrowed gradually towards
both ends ; iexture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; main veins not reaching to
the edge ; areolæ fine, copious, with distinct free veinlets ; sori uniserial, placed
on the connected veinlets.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 86. Anapeltis venosa, J . Sm.
H ab . Columbia.—V e ry n e a r th e n e x t species, b u t th e te x tu r e th in n e r, an d free
v ein lets copious an d d is tin c t.
322. P . (P h ym .) lycopodioides, L. ; rhizome wide-creeping, firm, the scales
lanceolate-suhuiate, ferruginous ; f r . distant, dimorphous, short-stalked or
sessile, the barren ones 2-4 in. 1., j-1 in. br., entire, often blunt, narroived
gradually at the base, the fertile ones longer and narrower ; texture coriaceous ;
both sides naked ; areolæ in several rows, th a t containing the uniserial sori the
largest, the free veinlets few and inconspicuous.—j3, P . salicifoliim, Willd. ; f r .
narrower, the sterile and fertile ones nearly or quite uniform.—Hk. Sp. 5. p . 34.
H ab . Cuba an d Mexico to P e ru an d South Braz il, Sandwich Isles, J a v a , A ngola,
M au ritiu s, N a ta l, G u in ea Coast.—M o re rigid an d coriaceous iu te x tu re th a n th e re s t of
th e g roup, b u t th e v e in le ts raised an d usu ally q u ite distm ct.
823. P . (Pliym.) fiisco-punctaUm, H k . ; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, the
scales ovate, bright-brown ; f r . subsessile, 6-9 in. 1., the point acute, the base
narrowed very gradually, the edge entire ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides
naked, with abundant fine dark-brown points ; areolæ very distinct, with no
main veins and a few included veinlets ; sori large, uniserial, medial.—H k .S p . 5.
p. 69. t. 285. A.
H a b . Chimborazo, Spruce, 5734.
324. P . (P h ym .) Mackenii, Baker ; rhizome epigæous, j in. thick, very wide-
creeping, the scales lanceolate-acuminate, pale reddish-brown ; f r . distant, nearly
sessile, 4-5 in. 1., f - | in. br., the point subacute, the edge entire, the base
narrowed rather suddenl}^ ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides quite naked ;
areolæ in one large central row which contains the sori, and one of smaller ones
on each side, with free veinlets ; sori round, in a single row rather nearer the
midrib th an the edge.
H ab . N a ta l, McKen, 22.—Closely allied to th e two following species, b u t firm er in
te x tu re , with a s to u te r rhizome, an d th e v en a tio n n o t n e a rly so complicated.
i l