on the lower side ; texture coriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; vein's fine,
iu close pinnated groups, with two veinlets on each side ; sf. of barren fr. 1 ft. 1. ;
barren pinnm pinnate, the lower ones 2-3 in. 1., 2-3 lin. hr., the pinnl. oblong.
Hab. Tarapota, North Peru, Spruce, 4090.
7G. A. (Polyb.) fractiseriale, Baker ; st. (of fertile fr.) 2 ft.l., naked ; barren f r ,
4 1., 2 ft. br., simply pinnate, with 16 pinnm on each side, the lower ones
short-stalked, 1 ft. 1., 1 j-1 j in. hr., the apex acuminate, the edge toothed, the base
rounded on the upper, truncate on the lower side ; texture coriaceous \ rachis and
both sides naked ; veins distinct, in pinnate groups of 3-4 on a side, with_ a simple
vein springing from the rachis midway between each group ; fertile pinnm
distant, simply pinnate, the lower ones 6 in. 1., | in. hr.
Hab. Monte Campana, North Peru, Spruce, 4337.—This and the preceding are two
interesting novelties, easily recognisable from the other South American species by their
quite simple pinnæ.
77. A. (Po ly b .) aspidioides, BÆker ; 1 ft. high ; st. densely d o th ed with lan ceolate
acuminate scales; f r . bip in n a tifid ; upper pinnm united a t the base,
lower 2 j in. 1., 1 in. br., cut down nearly to the rachis into blu n t linear-ohlong
falcate subserrulate lobes ; texture subcoriaceous ; surfaces naked ; fertile f r .
narrower, bipiniiatifid, the lobes fertile on both sides,—Polybotrya, Griseb. Cat.
P I. Cub. p. 27G.
Hab. Cuba, Wo'ight, 1827.—This we have not seen, and the description is compiled
from Grisebach, who compares the general habit of the plant to that of N. Filix-mas.
78. A. (Po ly b .) pubens, Baker ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent, scaly ; st. 6-9
in. 1., firm, erect, villose, scaly below ; barren f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more br., the
lower pinnm 5-6 in. 1., I j - l j in. hr., cut more th an halfway down to the midrib
into close b lu n t subentire oblong lobes j - f in. br. ; texture subcoriaceous ; all
the rachises villose and the under surface slightly so ; fertile pinnm 1 in. or more
apart, the upper ones simple, 8-4 in 1., j in. br., the lower ones with a few short
branches spreading a t right angles from the lower p a r t.— Polyb, K z e ..
9. p . 23.
H a b . Braz il, M a r tiu s ; P e ru , Poppig, Spruce, 3880, 4740.—T h is is much less compound
th a n th e next, w ith which i t is u n ite d in “ S p . F i l .,” th e lower p in næ being n o t la rg er
th a n th e c e n tra l ones a n d p in n a tifid only.
79. A. (Po ly b .) acuminatum, I lk . ; rhizome thick, woody, wide-scandent,
densely scaly ; st. 4-6 in. L, firm, erect, scaly tiiroughout ; barren f r . 1-2 ft. 1.,
o f t e n i f t .b r . , deltoid, b ip in n a te ; oblong-lanceolate, slightly lobed,
truncate on the lower side at the base, 2-3 in. 1., |- 1 in. br. ; lower pinnm 6-8
in. 1., 4-5 in. br., with several similar on each side ; texture subcoriaceous ;
rachis and both sides naked ; fe r tile f r . 1 ft. 1., deltoid, tripinnate ; segm. short,
iinear-oblong.—Hh . Sp. 5. p . 245.
H a b . Braz il.—T h is resem bles th e le a s t div id ed forms of th e n e x t in its b a rren frond,
b u t th e fe rtile frond is mo re compact an d more compound, w ith much sh o rte r u ltim a te
divisions. T h e P e ru v ia n P . nutans, K ze., seems to come n e a r to th is, b u t th e fertile
fro n d is said to be su b q u ad rip iu n a tifid a t th e base.
80. A. (Polyb.) caudatum, H k . ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent, often 1 in.
th ick ; S t . woody, erect, with long linear scales a t the base ; f r . bipinnate or
tripinnatifid, 3-4 ft. 1., 1-3 ft. b r.,'th e upper barren pinnm lanceolate, pinnatifid,
the lovver ones sometimes 18 in. L, 6-10 in. br. ; pinnl. 3-5 in. 1., |--1 j in. br.,
the edge entire, with oblong-falcate lobes reaching halfway dowii^ to the
midrib ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and both sides naked ; fertile pinnl. 2-3
in. 1., 1 lin. br., continuous or beaded, j-1 in. apart.—I lk . Sp. 5. p. 244.
H ab . Mexico an d W e st In d ie s to P e ru an d B raz il.—T h is an d A . pubens may be distin
g u ish ed from th e r e s t by th e ir long dan g lin g narrow-cylindrical fertile pinnules.
81. A. (Polyb.) osmundaceum, I lk . ; rhizome Avoody, wide-scandent, clothed
with long linear scales ; st. 12-18 in. 1., firm, erect, stramineous, scaly only at
the base ; / r . ample, tripinnatifid or tiipinnate, the \q-\\qv pinnm 1-2 it. \., 4-8
in. br. ; barren pinnl. stalked, lanceolate, cut down nearly or quite to the rachis
lielow into close subentire lobes ; texture subcoriaceons ; both sides naked ; fertile
f r , and pinnm nearly or quite as large as the barren ones ; segm. linear, cylindrical,
j - j in. 1., with a space between them.—H k . Sp. 6. p . 246. A. cylindricum,
Hlc. I. e.
H a b . Cuba to Ecu ad o r an d South .Brazil.
82. A. (Polyb.) canalicidatum, I lk . ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent, spinulose
and densely clothed with linear scales ; st. 1 ft. or more 1., scaly throughout ;
f r . 2-3 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., tripinnate ; lower barren pinnm 6-9 in. 1., 4-5 in. br, ;
p in n l. lanceolate, stalked, cut down to the rachis below into oblong lobes ;
texture subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; fertile p innl. close, the branches j in. 1.,
spreading a t right angles and bearing 8-4 sessile balls of sori.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 247.
H a b . V en ezue la.—V e ry n e a r th e last, b u t th e fej-tile segments moniliform.
83. A. (Polyb.) Lechlerianum, Hk. ; rhizome woody, wide-scandent, sc a ly ;
S t . 6-12 in. L, firm, erect, scaly downwards; f r . 3-4 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br., the
barren one quadripinnatifid ; lower pinnm 6-9 in. 1., 4-5 in, br. ; pin n l, close, lan ceolate
; segm. oblong, cut down nearly to the rachis into ligulate lohes ; texture
subcoriaceous ; rachises pubescent ; fertile pinnl. narrower, distant, the segm.
between oblong and cylindrical, with a space between them, the lower ones rather
headed.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 246. 2nd Cent. t. 97.
H a b . P e ru , Lechler, 2156, Spruce, 4744 ; Ecu ad o r, /amesow.—M u ch m o re divided
th a n an y o f th e preceding.
Egenolfia, Schott. Differs from Polybotrya only by the presence o f a seta
in the sinus ofth e lobes o fth e ultimate divisions. Fig. 60. h, i, J. Sp. 84.
84. A. (Egenol.) appendiculutum, Wilid. ; rhizome firm, woody ; barren f r .
6-18 in. 1., 4-8 in. br,, simply pinnate, sometimes rooting a t the apex ; st. 3-6
in. 1., erect, naked or slightly scaly ; pinnm 2-4 in. 1., f - j in. br., the edge
varying from subentire to cut halfway down to the midrib into blu n t lobes, the
upper side often auricled, the lovver one obliquely tru n c a te at the base ; colour
dark-green ; texture papyraceous or subcoriaceous ; both sides naked ; rachis often
ra th e r scaly ; fertile f r . narrower, on a longer st., the pinnæ roundish or oblong,
often distinctly stalked.^/3, A . Hamiltonianum, W a ll. ; pinnm large, lanceolate,
acuminate, equal-sided, subentire, the fertile ones with the sori in bead-like
clusters without an y connecting leafy membrane.—y, P . ludens, Wall. ; barren
pinnm 1 in. or more br., equal-sided, deeply pinnatifid, with crenulate lobes, the
lowest p a ir with several distinct pinnatifid p in n l, on the lower side ; fertile pinnm
linear-oblong, blunt, entire.'—H k . Sp. 5. p . 251. E x . F. 2. t . 198.
H ab . H im a lay a s to H o n g -K o n g , Ceylou, th e Malaccas, an d P h ilip p in e s.—F é e en u m
e ra te s e ig h t species, an d makes o f th e forms w ith moniliform fe rtile p in næ a sub-genus
{Granulina, Bory), b u t th e ex trem es ap p e a r to pass in to one an o th e r q u ite grad u ally .
P . Ile lfe ria n a , K ze., is a small form w ith beaded fe rtile pinnæ an d b lu n t sligbtly-lobed
b a rren ones a little tru n c a te a t th e base b en e ath .
Riiipidopteris, Schott. Venation flabellate, the fertile fronds small, suborbicular,
uncut. Sp. 85. Fig. GO. k, 1.
85. A. (Rbip.) flabellatum, H. B. K . ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping; st.
distant, 1-3 in. 1., slender, slightly scaly ; sterile f r . cunfato-flabellate, j - j in, hr.,
ij i