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Hab. Mexico.—Judging from the description, P.
form of this with broader pinnæ. Klotzsch, may be a
3 fi F ' Kaulf. ; ®7i*so,«e stout, wide-creeping, densely scaly ; st.
V e l y l i k f f i ® ' *• “ io™ "’ith pinnatifid pinnæ.
specimAs. ^ ’ fi fi*'® beautifully pellucid, distinct eyen in dried
I'*““ '.’ ^bisome stout, the scales brigh t-fe rru g in o u s; si. 2-4
¿ 1 In l l T I J ®"fi'™ b lu n t p iln a i 5 in. bl. , t e te r e heibaceous or subcoriaceous; both sides n aked- veinlet;
pinnate ; son large, uniserial. Hk. Sp. 5. p . 205. B r it. F. t. 22 ’
Asfe‘‘T T L Î T 5 . ‘T ”" “T ’?fifi**'“ °U® fi? tbe Azores. Madeira, Barbary States, Turkey in
north of Meidco ’ p T ,,T ® 7' ' ¥ ' • e°nthward to California and the
t t Most o f the pinnæ distinctly separated at the base. Sp. 187-207.
I KB-.i densely tufted, very s h o r t; f r . 4-5 in. 1. i in hr
h o ld ig f h l K l l i o X s T i k e K l o t l l s u t o r
plant of L¿ i^nn‘'fai mfis“ fiis* ?m® “pafrit <P?.'° p>"e“ctbiniaa.t-uGmr.isebach considers this P ites, Sw., but the
v u l l t / / i T l l T ’l I 'T T ; ’ f 1-3 in- A deciduously
entire horizontal p i i Z c e ' lM b l’ l u V c l r S f “ '''®?8tout into close
b u ftt; Ire l l r l dfstfnlt?™pateel® P''®®®'!*“^ resemble P.peclhiatum in habit,
«Wi*. and botli - J e l l e d ?
pinnl. simple ;
ri copious, 1-6 to a pinna.—Hk. Sp. 4. p. 229. H k , £ Gr. Ic.
Hab. Mexico along the Andes to Ecuador.—Resembles P. trichomanoides iu texture.
191. P . reclmatum, Brack. ; st. subtufted, slender, very sliort, villose ; f r ,
pendent, very flaccid, 1-2 ft. 1., 1 - l j in. br. ; pinnae close, ovate-oblong, blunt,
entire, j-§ in. br. ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; raehis and under side clothed
with fine soft hairs ; veinlets simple ; sori 2-5 iu a row.—P . semiadnatum,
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 222. {in p a rt).
Hab. South Brazil, Gardner, 112 ; Brackenridge.
192. P . semiadnatum. I lk . ; st. 4-6 in. 1., slender, flexuose, slightly villose ;
f r . flaccid, pendent, 1-2 ft. 1., | - l j in. br. ; pinnae very numerous, close, oblong,
j - f in. 1., 2 lin. br., blunt, distinctly crenated, the lower ones reduced and
distant ; texture subcoriaceous ; rachis and under side with a few long soft hairs ;
vdnlets forked ; sori copious.—H k , Sp. 4. p . 222. (in part). 2nd Cent. t. 48.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Jamesem.
193. P . dependens. Baker ; st. tufted, short, thread-like, clothed with soft
spreading hairs ; f r . pendent, very flaccid, 2 ft. or more 1., j in. br. ; pinnæ alternate,
j - f in. I., J in. hr., ovate-ohlong, blunt, entire, the central ones on the same
side j in. ap a rt ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; slender black rachis and both
sides clothed with soft spreading hairs ; veinlets simple ; sori close to the inidrib.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador, Spruce, 563.—Like the next species on a smaller scale.
194. P . alternifolium. I lk . ; st. very short, tufted, slender, flexuose, clothed
with soft spreading hairs ; f r . pendent, very flaccid, 2-10 ft. 1., 2 in. hr. ; pinnæ
distinct, alternate, lanceolate, entire, 3-4 lin. hr. a t the base ; texture papyraceo-
herbaceous ; slender rachis and both sides th in ly clothed with soft spreading
hairs ; midrib ebeneous, slender, flexuose ; veinlets simple ; sori copious.-—H k .
Sp. 4. p . 222. t. 277. A.
Hab. Andes of Ecuador.
195. P. sericeo-lanatum, H k . ; St. 1-4 in. 1., slender, densely clothed with soft
spreading grey h a ir s ; f r . flaccid, pendent, 1-2 ft. 1., l j - 3 in. hr. ; pinnæ close,
j - l j in. ]., 2-3 lin. br., blunt, entire, spreading; texture thick ; rachis and both
sides densely matted with soft silky hairs ; vdns simple ; sori in 2 long rows.—
Hk. Sp. 4. p . 221.
Hab. Andes of Columbia and Ecuador.—This and the five preceding in their flaccid
pendent mode of growth correspond with the cultratum group.
196. P . firmum, Klotzsch ; rhizome creeping, the scales large, linear, dull-
brown ; si. 1-2 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . loosely spreading, 8-12 in. 1., 2 in. br. ;
pinnæ distant, 1 in . 1., j in. br., blunt, upcurved, dilated at the base, the lower
ones reduced ; texture firm ; rachis slender, black, wiry, clothed witli short stiff
black hairs ; both sides nearly naked ; midrib black ; veins simple ; sori in two
long rows.—H k . Sp. 4 .p . 185. (in p a rt).
Hab. Guiana, Richard Schomburgk, 1170 ; New Gran.ada, Lindig, 300.—Habit of
P. pectinatum, but more rigid, and the pinnæ distinctly separated.
197. P . lanigerum, E a to n ; st. tufted, 1-2 in. 1., densely clothed with soft
spreading reddish-hrown hairs ; f r . flaccid, pendent, 6-9 in. 1., 1 J-2 in. br., cut
down to the rachis into erecto-patent b lu n t entire ?)«»«« 2-3 lin. br., the lower
ones reduced ; texture herbaceous ; both sides thinly coated w'ith soft hairs ;
i ' I