BOOK to receive .it. I t was. not fo = heavy as we expected,
^—-1 but fliifted in a violent fquall off the land .to W. N.W.,
November.. ^hich clearing away the haze, we had a more diftindfc
• view of the lapd at fonfet.. It extended from N- if. E.,
ending pi alow flat, point, which bore Weft. It blew
ftrong with clear weather all night, and we carried
clofe-reefedtopfails till midnight, when the gale in-
creafing, with a head fea, we took inisthe^fore and
mizen topfails. t At 12 the land bore from N. by' E. to
N. N. W.; but at day-light, to our furprife, we coiild
not difpern it, although the weather was fp clear as
to admit our feeing a great diftariee. I conjectured
the land we had feen to be the fouth point of Japan.