P R E F A C E .
V Stages of Difcovery juftly claim the public attention,
becaufe they open new fources of knowledge
and trade, and eonfequo&tly.are.interefting to a
Fcientifie and commercial people«: but it would be
unueeeffafy at any fengtb to expatiate upon the utility
of fuchexpeditions, fiuce that has been fo ingenioufly
and convincingly difpkyed ip the Introdudion to
Cook’s third voyage.
‘ Highly pre-eminent in the fcalc of Europe, not
only for her military charader but for her celebrity
alfo; m the artiS bf peaccj Great Britain has long
maintained her envied foperiojity among the nations,
from the encouragement fhe has. given to fuch enter-
prizes, and for the many illuftrious navigators ihe has
produced. The perfevering refearches and unwearied
a 2 /-■ adjvity