•At hal^paft.lS h. altered our eowfe to Eafi.
24 k Very pleafaint weatlier at soon. >
Moderate breezes and line weather,.
4 h. Saw laud from the maft-head,
Some rocky iflands. bore off us S. 65s W. fevetebr
eight leagues. '
At half pall 9h-q jjove to for an hourj to wait the
moon's rifing.
The iflands bore off,-us N. E. ,by _N, th;ree leagues..
Hove to at half paft 15 h. to wait daydiglif. *
The iflands bore from N. I T W to N.3fF W .: ^
They were five in' number, and dfofely8
The largeft were thofe to the North and South. ^ The
fouthem one was high and peaked; andtewwhole
clutter, of very little extent. At 22 B, 55 m. Svoioft
fight of them, bearing from N. 75° W. to N. 80° W.
eight or ten leagues: at the fame tinie we faw high
land to the E. S. E. At noon the land extended from
5. 59 E. to S. 69 E .; and we law more -diftant land
to the eaftward, imcohnedted with the other.
24 h.
!ll^h v - Etelh; breezes and1 very pleafeat weatberithiS'
Trefh breezes and fqually wektheiv with frequent
rkih^ which at iimesiveMimlyitebtenned ftee^Mteiabn.
Af 3 h. 30, in. we faw a n ; high • peakeH' reek bearing
Sj^byE. T 'we-altered our ctauife to-pafe without it.
A t the fame tithe We liad vioteu'feTqtialls, andteeiWind
Veered morenortberty., At 5 k. §0 m. wte -hauled our
wind' for the Might.9 tee; peaked ifiaiidbearingf S.' 25* E.
four leagued V’and the lantefettst Uoon, frcM N.*B0® E.
to ~N. 70° E. The more diftant land we toould hot
feei ■
CHAP . ytji.
- *?»?•/
xlth.' 1
It blew’ftrong all night, and We had ag re atfek ,
with much rain. At day-light the peaked ifland bore
N. 88° E . : and feeing-no more land, we bote up with
a ftrong gale and fqually-weather.
The only chart we had on board was one of Van
Keuletfs, wherein he places the ifland of' Meaxema
in S a n d which’ is ffiofl probaWy tee fame land
tedt hote l» the E.#. E. !<»‘ us yefterdiiy, and to1 the
'N. E. iaft etening, inwhich bearing it appeared
like an ifland fof eonfiderable elevation; and on the
eaft fide of it the hills1 were peaked. u But the fqually
2 , obfcure