book I received my orders, which were feeret;'-with an
additional one to put myfelf under that command of
Captain Drury, of his Majeftys fliip Trufty, and to
ad- proceeds to fea with his convoy^ then bound for the
Mediterranean; nor was I to feparate as Jong as our
courfes were the fame.
2Ift, We failed from St. Helen’s with a fine breeze from
the eaftward. After clearing the Channel the wind
veered to the N. W. when -the Trufty ordered us to
proceed to Falmouth.* In the uight.wc feparated from
tlie men of war, and | reached Falmouth ; when,' not
feeing the Trufty, wc failed for Plymouth Sound,
where we found her and the convoy at anchor^Yice-
Admiral M‘Bride’s flag was flyibg on board the Minotaur,
and Rear-Admiral Cotton’s flag* Oft' board the
Cambridge ;in the harbour.
November. During this mbhth, \the gales Were ^ ftrong and the
* weather variable ; and as we were anchoredrin Cawfand
Bay, we could not Tiaye joined the cofrvoy, had they
gone to fea from the Sound with an eafterly wind: we
therefore erideavpufedfto work into the. Sound; but
the fhip miffing * $ays bff Red Point, we came to with
both bowers all ftanding in foul ground; not the length
of two cables from the fhore. In this unpleafant fituation
ation we were prevented moving by ftrong eafterly C N A P.
winds, tillH’the mafter-attendant, Mr. Heinmings, v—^—
brought an anchor lighter to windward of us, and, November,
fending the end of a cable on. board, we, were enabled 23d-
to heave,, off in fafety, and run in between Duke’s
Ifland and the Main. '
; We continued in this Ration till the following month,
when we run into the Sound. During January 1795, *795’
^ •'v-v January
the, weather was cold,-with frequent gales.: Rear- 39th.
Admiral Parker, in his Majefty’s fliip Railbnable,
made the ftgnal for (ailing. j, s
■ In the night eve bad a ftrong -igale .from W. N.t W. February
parted our. (>eft:baWer cable, „dt'ovq'on board a tranf-
port, fprung the cathead;: and: damaged { j die main
channels. Moderate-weather,' the next, 4ay> enabled
US to recover.; the ahehor-and! fplice the; cable, y We
again maored the ftiij)^ ais there was no probability of
failing till the wind came't6 the. NdE>; wbeq the ftgnal
was made for unmooring,' 1 andrfbt all officers to repair
bn board.
The whole „fleet-Was unde?, way; nor could- any tjtfi.
wind have'been more5Tavourable than'this from the -
North, as j&dhabied' every fliip from iHambaze and
• Catw&ter