attempt ; particularly as be :has? fifteen EuFbpeaii$
with^im*;. sHisjji^eption was*]after tMiffi§da<5&>n Qgf
to pfrc$0sd:i|^ s ,Bola Bnhb ,pjne>jof $&fi&i$i$
iflap^. . ba4rle%^i;tti>;l^VtliEe.e
nativesi^^Bg^a! Bo|a» by whofe fuggeltions, moft probably,
.hfi-.diadj;cpfo-ly-edi upon, the ^en^fprifgHj Eiurpg
opr day, the,. tafeoo ^da^srKfe r,e^dWi< -bn
board. His rvants were very great; he requeued his
yeffei to ribe -rigged* fitted] for feal* and- i.made, ^proper
in ey,ery ^eipet^;. I : affifted :hiny|as mupb aaiWas in
my power* but* ,am-. afraid, .ine^FodtnaHy. From the
beft information I couldpcolledt,*/jt appeared that
Tamaahmaak profefifed .a» gfeht friendfhipdibrl the
English, and feemed -tpl’fpeak }v ith],abhorrence ofthe
differenGinurders which ^adj •without
hisgknowledge;, and, e^preffedf|his,determination}tp
prevent, them in jfuture,-: or pnnifh ;theiFI perpetra’tbrs..
lie mentioned' alfo, that one ofs the nlen;whP-had; been
accefi’^ry to the murders of Mr*i^jot}chiandtEieutfenahSt
Merged had been ppt to, de&thoby his people,;!!and
that; another,had pfcaped to; J^Qwepriti Mei alfobex-
plained* that the men who were exeftuttedi alohgfide
the Edfeovery; had; not committed thofe» murdere, vbii t
were; unfortunate beings whom the rchief. feieiStede to
tatisfyCaptain *\(ancou,YeF.; Tamahmeto?, ,whobhad
taken an American veffel fqme time fince* was always
rbfufed admiffion into ‘‘our1 ftiip.-'- This man openly GHap.
!^ e ;*dh§7'yd®el'"he cahy dihoUgh he' &i£§gP
been‘cMkolied to avoid thbfe^ of Amerieav left he February,
fliould falf -a^vidtim to their vengearicei The other
eh-iefs came frequently on board; and by- themfelves,'
or- deputes*- bartered pearls and trinkets-: many were
purehafed, bdt few- of* any \ quality.-^ The attendants4
of Tamaahmaah did* the;; famer■- The ohgte<&U>f all
feeiaed* to be.ithfe • acquirement of eve&y things that was
uMnli; -^d^dh^4iHer^y->S|^jifhah:i^ ^ .a a id ethersd-dn
handfomely recorded^ by. Captain
Bei)&^tihBtt:)ilKdhe6? prefent eagernefs r-fdr -'eonqueft
and dominion.
; T h e entrance abthe harliour is fituated iii lit. a i 1 # ' N. >
Jjqng. per ■ wptcl^ N ° 8?y3P* ?* :
Va&ti6W®» die compafs, " ,9° 4®’ 4°" E- ipean
;; - j i3/c6il»pafles.‘ • • -
Fip^s Ml
' 'Atinodm-weaobfeF^di ib'ithe-latitude of Sfl? 16'45"- ijdi.-
Whytetee bay made 'the lat.' 21? -15' 35* N., and'the;
long, per No. l.
I Muted .Tambahtnaah - with four giins, on his!
leaving ds4* and' We made-fail to the weftward with.'a
- 1 - fine