B6 0 K 18 h.' Pleafant: breezes from theeaftward. . The
'— — •> land, from N. 42° E. to N..350 W. Loir land .ap-
Oaofe peared near the lea, and very high mountains
well "wooded at the backs We purfued our eourle in
the diretftiOn of the= ftiore, which a t noon extended
from N. 42° E . to N. by W. fix or-feven-leagues, and
the appearanefe -6f more- land to the ;• N*-W.; but it
was_fo dark and haiy in '-that dire6tion, could fepitwell
diftmguifb. The wind a fine breeze.
3d.. Moderate breezes and hazy. We ftill contimaed
our courfe to the weft ward, in the;dwe<Etionof:the
coaft, which was generally obfcured from oufdriew
by the haze over it. At 6 h.-we-could only fee a
fmall part bearing N. Ni E. fix or* feven leagues; and
the wind veered to the North, with fqually and rainy
weather. The atmofphore extremely gloomy, •
. At 10 h. 30 m. hauled our wind, and hove to under
a low fail. Wore fhip. i -
17. h. Made fail, with a ftrong wind and a con*
fufed fea.
In the morning we ftill paffed quantities; of coarfe
grafs, and were vifited* by many land birds. . Large
1 flocks
flocks Oftgeefo fle,vv, over us from tlieN.- W.* góing to
the fouthward.s; AttxtOQn wo had.,frre>n:g breezes and I
hazy weather*:, we Gcpldc^juft difepmAhe .land tQ the-
I$v:W‘-i' though.yeigs fain tl^ ^B y , the* obfervation, we
had been fet 24 niiles^p the I South* of; aecgu<nf i ahd
by the eurrepti we; had, experienced, and thöpoarfe
grafs, wesrhad feen, I imagine fame rivex^to empty itfelft
intp. th e |f ^ |in .this part of th e . coaft*. The ftrong]
northerly .wind prevented pur j'/ppurfe ^jbeing jnore
northerly, and of courfe, approaching the land in the
direction I Wilhed.
Light 'winds andofafr weather, ,bq.t.-uncommonly 4th.
hazy tp 5m aboye the horizon, which prevented,- our
pb&pyi®g apy qbje<fts> diftin&ly ..upon the land. We
fleered:. a® tlié coaft inclined, rill wind came, to
the SI®., and afterwards to the S- W-s wlfleh was
immediately oppofite to our courfe. .
: The white rock ,f©t a t nPOn As, iwe ioptaied it made
a. clutter of different iiZes : and at’J.°6 h ., the rocky
head bore -H. 30* E . ; and the Can thorn .extreme,
S. 7 5^ W. An openingj in thé direction of N . 15° W .:■;
th,è fbftth poinf* foifriing double fend, was. four or five
leagues diftant. .