m 'OF SM5C0vS:!R¥ Of
hrbbgfat them' off foi#e-the Grange 4feflM’. 8 fDhey ' w
ttiaivt!rfefl^‘ blo^bte&ih linen garments made--into loofe
jackets- br dbdbJgdi: ^ridTemb d f
WbidenJ'M a.
ibort p e t tlk ^ ; ioVer Their trowfoiss; ^n 4 ‘J)b4"'fexbs„
Kbdff bbbtS; -with faaiMs^ n*ad^'#-ribeJ€taw.i! Tfae-
men wore their hair in a knot’-fied: up tb thfe- croWn,..
and the women hadtheirs twilled and plaited round?
The “features and' cotriplexiobs1 6F theft; people‘re—
ffembled - the1'^Chibefe,aparticUfm4y! dfteirjffiibll1'■ eyes-
y n d in gerrbiWt afl'bttr
^ :.:_bai i t His'
'were nP'ybung wom en^ the ttfe%diules dyeing
Gompofed entirely-bf bidWbihendrid Ghrldi^iil' ;
' I n ; the Mbrning’‘wfe'• Went bn in ‘foareh I f
wafer, dahdrn’g "aftfate Village ‘fcrtbAt pm-pdfe; and,
worn thett& m c of the inhabitants -conducted Us $o
a fine runubf'Wsrter,: moil - conveniently Misted for
bur purpbfe. We wbfe inwaht tootfr o f Wood and.
water ; but of the former article "the chantry-'formed
very deficients After taking fome altitudes for the
watch,.' and obfetting th'eTMaarees -for' * *fhe; lan^ikide,.
Wb took a' Walk,1 Attended by a trameroti» 'pftfty *>£ «fee
8 villagers s
•villagers, y: The harbour, We perceived* extended: foibe chap.
.daftance to -the weffwareL of', the rocks We had pptioed jbi-r^w' v
in coming in, and alfo to the N. E . an<L,S. Wj df the#, .^jSL.
terminating in fmall bays' that afford ed^fter&r1 from
s . j ilidagps.; fm g p j feathered ; founds tie
harbquy* a^din the ;|^s W- w$ #bfifYud; a. lapge
\ encircled udth ftone walls, .andpattlemehts
■ppon! th e ^ ' JSw ra l liyjpg in a baf$n
■near ib pro,te#ed by a pier. ,• Another moleror hafon
appeared to the S..; W. of the other,* snseay-.feme white
!hpplesw©f a fiiperiortowtou^iohi eaclofedvhy a thick
WO©dr> :
The villages feemed to abound with people,, and
tlie harbour full of boats; failing;; about: on their different
«ayoca^on^. . They were .ifimjlap ; in figure,
.though infedor-; ins workmanlhip, i to t£e;; •Chinefe
boats; and-like them made ufe of. Ikulls -and matted
v i;;-;. ;
vAs we came near another village they.flopped .-and
begged we would not proceed any farther; and we
complied with; their rrequeff; ;riQn' our returni we' remarked;
feveral graves, which the‘natives ]bad pointed
flut- and explained to u s: thdy were .placed in an Eaft
and Weft ’ dtre^Mom'>dnd the ground ;ole*oated’< ovdr
v v 2 them..