Bq© K Catwater to proceed to fea, amounting■ to more than
j—^—■ 400 fail, whid^had been detained equally with our-
felves find® October. As we flood out to. fea, we ob-
Torved the under the command of Lord
Howe waiting for the eofivoy. |k
&th. The wind and- weather _were favourable ; .the Lizard
Point at noon bore from us W. by S*; our ob-
■ feirved. iat. 5d° 13r 30® JST.- The cokvoy from Falmouth
jbitied us.
ipdv In the evening the grand fleet, confifling^of 34 Ml
of the line and feven frigates, parted company with
us. The convoy for Portugal feparated alfo- the next
morning, with the Trufty and Ply floop. We continued
with the Weft-India convoy, confifting of the
Raifonable, Medufa, Iris, Cormorant, the Dromedary
ftore-lhip, and 200 fail of merchant veffels. ■ h
a,ft, Frefh gales from the S. W. obliged us to reduce our
fails, and difperfed the merchant flaps.
2 2d. The wind kept increafing, and veered to the N. W.
2^ , The gales were ftrong and variable from the S, W .:
the following day it was calm ; but on the next to
that, the gale?commenced again from the Weft and ch a p .
N. W» This bad- weather feparated half the po^yoy. 3■ <— /
1 i m i
; We parted company with Adnjiral Parker’s .fleet, March
failing vyith the Iris frigate, Reliance, 1 and Supply; lft’
We generally found-our fliip Tail as well as the merchantmen.
. With a fine breeze from the eaftward, we purfued ad.
our- courfe to the fouth. y
Early in the morning, faw- the Canary I f l andsa t JjL
noon, the Peak of Teneriffe bore N. 30' W. Baffling
winds-prevented our anchoring till the morning
of the. 6th, when we came to off Santa Cruz in*-35
fathoms ; the Church bearing Weft, Punt-a de Jfago
E, by N. As our flay was likely to be flm.rt, we. did
npt moor. In paying our refpe^s to the Qoyernor, hq
made feme ;jtrifling excufe’foc^pq^ inviting u,s to his
table; we hgwev.ermet with that civility,*-and many
others,, from Mr. Rooney,» an -lriftiinan, whodiad bqen
fettled here-feme years. The qontra^or, Mr. Cal-
loghan, fupplied us .with excellent wine-.for the, fliip’s
company, and beef, daily- We alfo took,, fpme live
eattle on board. Vegetables wete in great plenty;
onions and potatoes were the moft falutary’and ufcful
1 fdr