B0.9 -K were within three utiles of it: The extreme ’ i6. the
v-r>—’ South hope making :a lipyr faudy point. Oyer
the beach were fevpral junks .ah anchor ; and we had
only 'feven fathoms water. -AtmOjon the ‘extremes of
Formofa extended from N; $5° E. to S. ?° E. threjd'bi;
foyr and; we had fp.tbap^?,. The,Jand near
the fea prefented-..a* barren appearance of ■ fand hills ■
. mixed with .cparfp grafs. At the ba'qk of the' beaph
were fome fcattered trees; but more inland, the hills
rode to a confiderable height, richly -dlothed ,with
?2d. Wo continued our courfe along jhp qoaft of For-
mofa, with a ftrong current fet-ting ns to the ^northward.
7 h. Calm: The extremes extended from Ni^o^E*
to S. 14° W .; an opening bore S. 40? E. | Off the-
entrance were feveral junks at anchor. Thirty-on^
17 h. Light breezes. The extremes of Formofa,
N,.*t3° -B» 18° W., off fhorer feven or eight, miles..
Towards the North the land gradually deereafed in
22 h. At noon the extreme land, we could fee,
bore Eaft, fix or feven leagues..
A t 1 h. tacked1 and flood in for the land ; arid at'
half paft, not being'a b k to ‘the land, owing to the
haze, we flood off there. At half pa A 6 h we could
j uft difeem i t bearing S. 40° E. three'or four leagues-.
• g h, "Very Ajuallyi arid threatening weather obliged
ns to redUdesouu'fail. * '-J >-« ■
i 1 2 h. . Strong.igailesi,: with a large; fda.r"
- Throughout the^©r«si’©on^i| blefet very
and we fpli'||moft of- f | r We had alfndteavy
lain, and were obliged, to pump-the yeflfet out every
tetu/ r j t>; ' .rij.A <4* | | | | | *
' *24 ho' .Heavy gales ©f wind, rind; think baity
weather: ^ s
m §
©HAP. III. -
I W Ë &
J“>y 3d-
‘Str&rig -gales o f ' wind, with a- fafeauy- fea imMii>
and j§ great dealtof rain. AMalf pafl 2 b. we few'the-
eoafH of C h i n a 'tol the W. N-/W., appearMg.yiiyi®-
diftinriklyi -through the ha2e. We’lpon after wore g rind
tiie gale blowing- h a rd® we reefed tferboyffirib ^nd
lay fto I under a elofewteefed mainfad. :^Sohn> after
bringing to we-fprung a leak i0* the!ftarbotrd ^hartery
whirih filledthb cabin with water,'rind'ke^t the people
eoriitmurily a t the pumps.
fe -ih # night the wind<%rad«al1y veeited rotmd- ft*
the' -■with' • He«*#«® yfoieaeef- ^hich- caufed*