n ° O K a Verƒ hard gale .of .wind, with contihixed;rain. At
'ö:k frbra th A motion of the fbip :I: feir döwn ;Kpott the
October, quarter-deck, by Atfhieh .unlucky accident I had the
misfortune tofraéture my right arm aboye; the; elbow.
The gale gradually, at 15 h., began to moderate; and
by the next hour it veered round to the Wj-NV-W^
leaving a confufed fea; At day-Jight we faw Round
Ifland, and we made fail to the North, At 20 h. itbore
S, 70° Ei., and Hummock Ifland S. 36° E.
At noon we had light breezes and a large fwcll from
the Eaft, Round Ifland bearing S, 40° W.to.S. 64° W.
three or four miles..
The winter feafon being now fet in we proceeded
to the South, intending to explore the eaft fide of the
Kurile Iflands, if poffible.
The officer reported the harbour in 'the illand
of Maruchan to be only calculated for' hnall, velejv
having a bar in the entrance with no more fhan
two fathoms water ; but within thë bar'it formed a
fpacious bafon, with regular foundings of fivèland feven
The fettlement of the Ruffians. he: found abandoned
; but there ftill remained erodes ereéted in. different
1 2 5
ferent places; and-.the-Ruffiau aruis carved and painted. OH &. p.
The natives were fimilaj’/to thofe in VplehnO Bay, 'but >—-— <
fpo'ke apparently a different They ’were • -
clothedvin! bear ikins, and worc:J&©dts of Ruffian manufacture,
and cotton handkerchiefs.'round their heads.
' Thefe people’were equally gentle in theirnmanners*
and in appearance pofleffed thc.-lhUie. degt^e;; of-,poverty
in their.manner*of'livingV and thefconftru6tion
of their„habitations, as thofe we had- before remarked
at Infu.
The land was covered .with long grafs and rhofsj,
fome trees of the dwarf pine, alder,- bill, and crow
berries. _
^dThterb were many feals, and abundance of fea eggs.
It is to be remembered, -we had traced tnfe?land of
Infir or Jeflo from Volcano Bay, to the .ISflE.’'point
of-what-, we-conceived to be one-ifland, extending
from 41° 4R N. to 44c 3d' M., and from 140° AO' Ev to
146° 22' E., an extent of400 leagues of its S. E. coaft;
which agrees very well with the account o f De Vries’s
voyage;' fuppofing he made the-land in the fame fifua-
tion we did about the S. E. point. Captain King*