24 ft. P a rk and threatening weather.
Frefh Dreezes^and dark hazy weather* with the appearance
of heavy fqda.ffi^round the horizon', vdiich
produced inceffant rain and a calm fOr a few hduTs.^
*; 7 h. Eight airs, with rain. Tacked fliip. ■
9 h. Tacked (hip. '
16 li. The wind fuddenly increafed to a ftrong gale
from the fouthward, which reduced us to our courfes
arid mam-topfail; the TchoonCr _being: pi’effed with
fail to keep way with-us. Towards noon it gradually
el&red away to the North and Wefl£* and*iJv ^ s;had
more'moderate weather. This agreeahle^change" admitted
our obferving the latitude, for the" firfl timfr'
fincfe our departure from Macao.'^'Sounded 4J5 fa thom^,
fine fand*
The wind left us fuddenlyi and we had I deal-p®fant
weather. At 9 h. a gentle breeze from thedS. W. permitted
our courfe to the caftward; and we had 26
fathoms,, fine fend and broken fhells.
Throughout the night we had a great, deal of lights
ning, with frequent claps of thunder, and inceffant
heavy rain. At day-light tie made fail, having a
moderate breeze, with dark and rainy weather. Our
föüddmgS w.dM*^ fathoihii'| At 22 h. we paffed over
frrong fiplings', ‘with the appeafknep ©fr'frtoal'hvater;
and' oür- toAfrdiffgè-bad dèbreafed toT^^hfflöfathoms'j
cóarfe grayfei mïd ~ b jrè^ ir flfilM'v jVfce^febVe'ta'wMIe
tH^'ToMoher' 4?§n1|?a-h^aff’# f us1, and^aftefwards fph
lowed 'her uddehht fallf | Till - dbo'ti 'we hébi^inried tfrie
fame iirregulaii%fr>undin,gs,J^v’aryin‘g*e^fryJ'‘daftJ1'of the
lead fiWe’öf fathodtMf'ft
124 h. ^Moderate breezes^ -with rainv
Varifrfrfe*' wfeatilf, wïfh^céuilmrial hard raEn." ‘ Our ^th-
found™§m wéte" "uhequar^froto"' 18,-, to 17 fathoms,
gravéffy^M^m'*. ' 'Ae &chboker kept aAegd^ ofr%s,
dnd in the f i |h t ffre^èarfièd ^ 'ïig h i f
7 h, vL i|h t winds', withI Hï&ï of lighthing
and fain. ' At 7 h?we fteefed-’NdE.
x*l3 h. 'Variable \nhdf,J with heavy’'rain’.
116 h. Stróhg'fefeezesi' ' Clöfe-rèeféd:*he|thpiaijs: -
20 h. f paft, we had~noH bottom'wim 30sfhlhfrih‘sk
24 h. Black faded. TKek |wind moré moderate, bu t
frill inceffant rain.1
Moderate breezes and thick1 weather, with continual' 7th.
f ü p N 59, and 5A fathoms/ fine fand. ^hefe
foundings’ were regular till after 7 h., when wè had
’ % -
C fiA P .
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