an Irregular and confuted fea. ;Qur’ little vetfel; behaved
very well, Ihipping but little water.
In tlie morning the wind iixed in the S.-’W. quarter,
and the gale broke up. At 8 A. M., the .fea,*'having
confiderablv fallen, we bore up and made fail. * /
24 h. Frefh breezes and cloudy weather, witjh a
confufed fwell.
Frefh breezes and cloudy weather. Ab2b.;we hove
to, while the carpenters Hopped the leak, which, was
found to; be above water in the llarboard quarter.
At 3 h. and a half we difcovered the high land of
Eormofa bearing S. 30° E. At half paft 6' h..the extremes
extended from S. 28° E. to S. 23° W. .fiye or fix
leagues. At 8 h. the wind moderated and at 12 li.
we law a fmall illand bearing'S. E. by S.; and we had
no foundings with 25 fathoms. We plied totfhe.wind-
ward till day-light, when the rocky illand, bore
S. 50° E . t h e . north part of Eormofa extended from
50° W. to S. 10°. E . ; and two iflands . bearing
N. 64° E. and S. 84° E. We palled between the
Rocky Ifle and Eormofa with a gentle wind arid line
weather. - At noon the Ni W. point of Forinofa,
S. 88°. ; JSI EL point, S. 48° W.; extreme beyond
ditto, appearing detached:, SI;''22° W., four or'five
leagues, off Ihore..
Qtielang -Iflafidyi S\* 72 °'W.,‘which lèysoff the'harbour
; and' the threfe iflands to- the’feSriard, N. 10° WT,
W., W., fourth; fix leè^übê diftant:
,No cu rren t1 fince ,laft obferyatibns. 60 fathoms, no.
In the direction of the-illand of Qhelang, the. main
land of Eormofa appeared very- high ; and 'On the larboard
entrance, as you fail towards “fh é 'harbb'dfj4 is a
eonfpiëudas hifl Of ajcotfib form/’from WeftrerhePloW1
Tand cófrfmëncës’ extending to the fouthwardt .Shine
low land alfö pröjèófcêi frörrr the 'E^. W. part, whi'ch/is
in general vëdy' hlevated. The latitude1 o f the ifoitli
point of''thbiflhnd''may err a lfttlè, ‘ föppofing^è did
hot-fee1 the^extênt of the low land. At'6 hi ftCwas
calm, when the N. E.-part of Forfnofa bore'S!" ° W.
Thé night was variable,/with’ light airs, which in the-
forenoon increafed from the fouthwaiib; f
A t i l h. feeing the appearance ofbrok'en water, we
tacked^-i^ut having no foundings'at half pall,'we-
again refumed our -courfe./ •