BQor overboard, and regained tie (bips, which then failed
for'China. Many reafons havo been given for-this
February, unhappy event s but the principals concerned in g the
deed having fince, left their-lives, there is no ’afcei t&in-
' ing the truth Of it. -The harbour,| though of ,final 1
pictent, is fafe and convenient, with •5 fathoms fandy
bottom within the fpits. I t is .formed? by an opening
through the reefs, wlttnafolear channel, in
direction. The wind ge'nërhily3blows frefh out Of 'the
harbour, rendering it necéfïhry ±o warp in, as there is
Adt room for working. A flnè^fceam of frefh water
empties; itfelf atvfoe bead. It bears S.4?S# E. :Trom
Whytetec bluff five of fix iiaiiCs.
14th. P® Having completed 'taking irf^our We got
under way, parting with our numer o¥ê•~!who
came-to us from Whytètee the day after the taboo
ceafed. Indeed there was- no inducement,: as we
could not procure refrefliments. TheTftu&tion of the
natives wasmiferable, as they Were' nearly ft ar ving ;
and, as an additional grievance, univerfally infected
with the itch. No -cultivation was to be feeti on
fhore; and, confequently, little profpeél of their future
fubfiftence. The attention of Ta-maah-iiiaah was entirely
engrofted by the veflel Which the Englifh’ carpenters
were conftruéting for him. She was juft
r 7' • planking
planking in the harbour ate we failed, and. whs about CI^ P’
40 toms burthen. In this veftel and his boats it was
his intention to proceed to AtObi,-and to 'Complete February.
l&déOBfUöfês i b ÿ i l i b ^Ÿô d t o l f â ô n ^ ô f ïn the
vaMjey aboVé foù hàrbour tire dbeifive bkttlé. was
fought» that fèeoréd to Tàmaàhrnaah the poffefiion of
Wohahoo. TianUh Whs killed Ih foèhofttëft, WM 300
dft hi&pattÿiWbô, tltöugli they battle WithTanmahtfraab,
irfterwards jéidëâ the pèôpîè bf M^feàlhoô in ddfëncé
of th^ir boUfttry. -sîVytdobâifeÿ"' atad •-fëÈtföömtïéfe, his
broths, ^ e ^ l ‘fob Mbhâhob whö
had Ms thé
chief Who,; Éf&p thé kffiffenéte &f' lÉë' -ftnfoffoSftte Mr.
IM)Wïf§ eibW had^efeh^d Tdyëi fhprerhé bhirtf
o f Atooi and bfothet- to fob fohhbt;bhielP bf A?dhàfroô.
■TitéToê, dèâd föëaêiittië' fihëê» Wà1» chrÊF bf M'fovfetr,
andfoCêfêdQdfèyhisfettKArôkrâhéb: TëhdëâvéurëdBüt
iit vàiht fofoliffüadëTàbiàahtiiaftb fróm Hls bipéditiôfci.
Hia. fobjeM>iWill feybfëlÿ* îatÆfife hiS' àÔKHi®&ji âs it .
i& impbflibte fodt flîeÿ daft é\rer fottiM tA the iflanât
to tltó wih^vard.r T'è^rilî bd" fhtè- fo fehMrÿ iàmSftè
and diieafe to the territoriesthéÿ iMÿëoh^Aeri ‘Whètè
they muft réi&aitti ; EbFèpëhtt ^ëfîfels hâvë Furnlfoed
thil'ehief iwifof fo ■ib.i’gë U^fùpply ^ôf îhuffeètsfoftd àm-
munition, together* With fôfoA 4-r |îbtihdéih-f©è
hisr boats»' that he ppefumey forëë is4 ëefudl tö ëhÿ.
a attempt ;