.B O O K the wefhtu, fcarcely feven inches in length* $ As
Captain Hunter's fhips^were not- ready^Ifcproceede’eHo
May. tea alone, taking his orders fo r ‘Port #ackfon ; as I-intended,
in eonfequence of the lâtenefs of tHA fëafen,
to proceed, to the South Seas by Van Diëïriens land*.
- The fituation of • Rio Janeiro is in lat. £2° 55' 17" S-.
and long. 42° 51r 16" E.-
I Pap|j i A breeze fpringing up- from the nortftfoaftVard,rwe
ibon loft' fight of the -Brazil coaft.-
2,6th. M* A fine gale carried us to the fouthward rapidly Vmnd
in the latitude of Sl°- S. the wind- veered 'td-f'N: And
29th. N. W. ^ We ' fbaped our courfe^S. E.,’ reducing ôùr
fails as~the gale increafed;;
June 2d. We had a large following fea; the wind inefoâfing
to a ftrong gale at S. W.
Sth. A ftrong bfeeze at N. W. with continual fain. In
the làtitudeof 40° S. we fleered Eaft, intending to make
7th. ' Gough's Ifland, and fix it» fituation. A- heavyAgâ'lé
from the N. N.-W. obliged us to 'bring the flap to
the wind in the morning. After laying to under -a
balanced mizen four hours, we again bore away as the
violence of the gale fubfided. -
The gale -fiferfoi the'-'Weth-returned- witkiTecfcpïble« c HAP.
Violence ;: and--as -the&foiphad not- fuffioienfoveloeity 1— ■—»
through t h é w^teWto efcapethe fe a 5> wevagara. June,
to unde/a n&zfedtay^fail, Iri the eVeningMhe weather
bëcame more moderate, and we boje-.away-
•At II paft-noon, wfe difeovered. ö.ougH’s Ifland, bear- rotfiv
ing- Eaft five, or .fix' milèsf> 'Our dbfervation- at, -noon viK r.,.' ^ I pMj ; "':;'vOy • foV-. 'v^y; -.: fon;V'>V' |
made • the lat. '40*ï9'i$^ which was indifferent*.- „'The
gale increafedfe^et being' defirops fof. making;, further
remarks upon*' the ifland, at If ’ paft' 3^^oröwght to
the wind; undeibthedeèfof it;> bearing from» toN^N; W,
The feisJwass'iirregular andicmifufed^'Aüring-themight
the- gale fubfidedi ourjfoundings were at lf^fathdms.v >,
■Nö dbfervation at nobm
The following dayo-we *' were .equally! uplucky^ the i*Ew
weather» being -rainy And hazy; and as- there was, ,00
ehance of its "clearing, , we refumedl o p rcouffé . to^the
eaft ward. * -The breeds wei*e ftrong 'at.' jjlgj ^J;.! W .
andrtbe rain edhftaift; Göugh’s-' Ifland is high and
'möéh broken,^hsot mdre than- twor • thren'miles in
cifeumferencefor extent. Wètifould- ndf*’pefcéfee the ,
leaft fign of vegetatidn; but as the fe a th e r prevented
landing,-we eould not'make; the remarks-we .wifhed,
and our idea of its*circudt is even doubtful. By our