ó K cöndtt<& appeared to us fufpicious:;. and wfe . prepared
v-~'/ ' for the worft, having every f body ftationed a t their
oaótó. quarters. In a ihort time a boat came to them
ftom the fbate'.wdth Egfats* which feeing ; diftribtfted
amongfe the others, after fome óonfifttatioh,' .fey
took rap: their ■.anchors and rawed : ;an fhcwe to ; the
*$&• i ’réOi. breezes. And very pjeafant Weather; from the
JiL W.; quarter; the nights wère-cooi and the days
^.arm, .having a clear fup We: had ucr boats, off tiM
after breakfaft, when two; came fellfofijdfi tóf^ drefièd
in a fuperior ilyfe to any we hadi yet fee».: fit each
were fome foidiets carrying fmall fpears«,that' wete .as
•ftaffs to their colours, which were a blue tattin field,
with their arms in yellow characters. ,:;The hats of the
foldiers' werie decorated with peaeocks'feathetsi, .Théy
made the a prefeht ■ of fait rfilh, rieeh and fea-fweed
Ifucus laeharinus)* u at eqt*s$aiv ffpptm t m &u
' -W « '.atijjöd
After many inquiries refpeéting us, we plainly taw
they Were extremely anxious for our departing cwliich
I exptaanèd to them was iropoflibleii as, w£;wei^imneh
ié Whfa t bf Wood, water, and. icefeefliments. n They immediately
’ öÓbrid to feöfd1 'taso any qudhtity; qfh'the
former“; hut I Ooirfd hot ■psrfxiade: them to fend any
of! ‘the? eattieuwe ;prnntedj©wt:&> 'them«! grazing on tfeei
fhorev As money.Appeared mf 'pb $olne;, iand/we ihad
no other means tb'induce them,, we were under the
tteceflity feibbearkigpith the difeppoixitufenty of feeihg
dailyiiwhat 'weehodM mottprdcbre.
# Thefesgrdatuneh Wer^ doffed; db*!fee fameI form as
the btiiefs -wh 1 iad before^feeni -but » their’ 1 -garments
werefipnehifiner ^andithsesioUter$ one was. of a light
Mae gauacior Jddaufy. : .::: : : ‘ i & -
■ rj[Fmder'itheir:;dhiiiis,i as -i£1 tyingtheir largetblack
kadis; • they had a 'feipg; o f large' :beads,r»;eitl?dr
amber, or black wood, which was lufpendech-in;#.
bow over their right ears. Some of their hats were
% . : r ■ 0 u
The attendants pnd.;thpfe in ,0 [fi?.jee. pajtj* tbefe men
the moft; fufeHiiffive , refpe$y always j,fpp.pking. I and
.apfwpBuig ,kbe pyt'j^p^qpa in a .^pc^pipg
pofture, looking upon the deck» ,
l jit pow^p^uyped; fpfme thefe peppl^jpufi; :paye nar-
rived after dark laft evening, and were thq. fpnjte ,fp
whom we had refufed admittance, while our fulpicions
C H A P . VII.