tended; to the Quoin "Nv :34°>W. ;• in Number 5'. v ,we ■
fuppoféd them to be the Matehi Ifiands. u^erjilbiwy
December. Weather.
3d. Frefhgales and dark weather prevented our makifig-
any otheV ïeitiarks' on Great'Lieuchieux ^.nd the Mad-
jrcofemah Iflands,*. but wé ftherèd a courie to fall in
with fome otnbr1 iflands; b e t t e n them and Formofa.
At 2b. 15' we loft fight of the GunhefS Quoin, bearing
N. by E. The gale' incre'afed'with heavy .fqualïs of wind,
and-rain; yet the'barometer continued ftutiori'ary. ~'i<!
■; A t. 9 h- we hauled uporn a wind undé’r%{fbrëfail .and
elofe-rèèfed' main-topfail. In the morning' it was
more mddeiatfe, with.a large fea from'the noréfward;
and we bore away at l 6 h. 15', havihg clear wehth’éh
At 21 hours we faw low land todiSjfe'' weftward, and"
at 23 h. 4<y rounded a reef whicb extends>tb’Me'lafë-'
ward of* the E. point of this iftandj ^©mnpOfed
of rocks abövè and under water; and we , had Ö0
fathoms coral bottom. From the maftdiead an ifland
luppófed to be feen bearing North from the reef, and
another to the N. : and a hummock on with S. E.:
point N. 37° W. probably joined with the ifland. Juft
within the point to the weftward is a fandy bay, and
above it we difcovered a village Scattered amongft the
1 1 treés*.
trees, with fom&tult^ated#ots neatfit. At noon the - e|A p-
-S. E. extreme N .^W ^ t^ flp r three miles/. The other ,
e^treme^ U j V "'^0' December,
btthomsi'eqraiiy ..bottom-^ breezes.and, very
-fqually^but olpar an,dpleafant ^eath|r.;
Strong-,br|&zje| andlflpl w itb ,^ ^ ^ (q u a ils from the
land, 'th a t prevented our rifldng any communjieatiorr:
with- the flipr.e: fide
at dhe^difiarxce of^twpd pr, ^^ce^miles .||,|^^is ifland
™ low.. On tbe^ops pf t^ rifin g gppuqds
werefoiqe ^ ^ o 4 b ee?? but the, country'in general
^as? covered-' .with; heath or coarfe grafs, and feveral
habitations - were; fcattered along?, jhlffe,.;, we^abb ob-
fevydd; fthoke apift^g'ijh 'feveral parts. h. we l^ad
i;uU 1th e" extent; of The ifland, and ^ a
final], ifleC^biclLis.pb’ the weft, point |.g^vpen, it and
^ th e Jb q ^ ia s a /m a lly ^ a n d . betw^en^oi^h and N-~
~Qa° - ,W.fcwe , faw. more land.^’An,v<extenfiye^reef vgas
fitu^Wlbetwefen £hefe lands, As we ,faw, the water
frequently, ^ break ; Jand^we bad 18 fathoms^ |©rally
bottom. At 5h. 15' we.were; within fivepr fix milps.
of a final! ifland,, bearing from W.^o, IJ. 85°
W ^ an d high land to the W. S. W.- «’At-18 h. A5%the
fin all ifland bore N. 66° W. four, or fi ve leagues, and
the other ifland -from N. N. E. to E. S. E . ; and th ||.
■M H