book them. Trees were planted in a femi-eircular farm%
round moft of them, and univerfally diftinguiftied by
OQober. fome ftone work.
W e got bn hoard to dinner; and in the afternoon
we were vifited by fome Fuperior people^ who came
from up the harbour. They were drefled in large
loofe gowns, and were paid great deference to by the
common people. • They had on large black hats, with
high crowns, manufactured with' a throng gauze not
unlike horfe hair, very ftiff and ftrong. They tied
them under the chin ; and theffe hats, fervmg as-
umbrellas, wcrb three feet in diameter.
Each perfon carried a fan, with d final! fillagree
box attached to it, containing perfume ; and aknife
handfomely mounted was faftened round their waift.
A boy attended, each of them, who had charge of
their tobacco pipes; and whofe occupation was to
keep their dreffes fmooth. Moft of them wore their
beards long.
Their inquiries feemed to tend to a knowledge Of
what brought us to their country; but I- fear Our
replies-gave them very little fatisfabtion, as we could
fa little comprehend each ether. They were feerahigly
ingly/plpafod, withitlieirvffl^ption,, and. fonn:after 'took Ç** a p.
JsWtï’Jîïl «Étant ’û M 3 . É
^Ve went on ihore tor afoend the high land near us
to the.South, and from thence-; to take fome bearings^
Qurview fromothe top was very exterifive ; and we
faw diftinCtly over every part of the, harbours- Our
angles were however* ufelefs, ,the , needletf Joeing ip
ftroogly affedted ds to point; Eaft inftead o f: North,
owing to fome magnetic power in the mountain, .which
would not admit the needle.pointing.true in any fitua-
tion. This hill was. high .and; rocky; but. the fides
produbed -coaife'gpafs, >on whi® hfidatfle'.were folding;
and in the lower parts, fome paddy fields.
ad On our return on board -in the. evening we found
the »veffel crowded with vifitbrs, nor could we get rid
of them till dark, and even with great difficulty,
ufing almoft violence to induce them to go inta. their
boats. At laft they went on ihore.
•iSoon after dark; we Were furprized feeing thefe boats
coming? off from the ihore, full of men, and' very de-
ftrbus tb come son board. I did not .chufe to permit
them, and they came; to an anchor along-fide. As
we were unacquainted with their intentions, their
- '■ I _ ■ conduit