B Q®K We juft weathered the reek' feto at: ftodn S. W., and
V"'~v'—1 feoe after we law another in the fame dire&ion two or
Oaebeo tlfteer miles - and the. hazb entirely: ofotfcured theliflànd
of Quelpaert.üaïAt«fnnfer thefe^rocks iweret to ;the
c^ftward of ug fivrii.roE fix miles ;; and we dould
juft difçern % groupe to the N. N. E. at the fame
We plied to windward during the night, having ihe
fame weather.
The haze eteared away partly, which gaveus a ;view
.of .Qnelpaert from S. 5° W. to S'. T2? E» fpur orifive
leàguesUhe reeks bor^ and 40* E. tbtëh:
or few piles, and the groupe N. b. E. ; wè kadi beetf
1^ towards the reeks five or fix indiles?Sh ••*h«d*jj|gfe&;
W® fleered fot the. iflândi which at thêcrwéft extVcm#
i* low and rocky ; before ÿou ebnieilp ft
ri final! iflând clofé in fhore, With ( a green* forfhee ;
ririd off the extreme point isi another, butr^roefcy and
ImaHer ones within it., r We-remarked lèverai patches
of white land fome diftance from the fea ; and in mahy
Priftri Vfnre rifing hillocks or mounts weft cultivated
up their fides; A round high rock bore of us at tiôon
S» 85° E. ; this was remarkable on the lhore. Green
Iflapd N. 36° E. The: reeky ifland off the weft
âlE i/iwblsoftihiee miles.:.T rf; * ‘ ^ A' , h*u mmock CVHifAl.P. .
point making the other extreme S. 68®~E., and the •—/—»
centre hill 'N"i:720>'E. The finoke of fires was perceived Gétober.
in- every part of the land.
- At h h .’thd fouth éxtreme boré Eaft,andiwe hdflftd- . 3^ -
Upnfbr; .fh© .land;;r;After refining four; tnifts; wêMpëtV
éeived two doiv t flat iftaadsi off the>fi)n{b-r'^èftk 'fitft
rounddd by ie«S, and to appearohfce centre^ed'Wi®
thés poidfeîkyîfhoàds. We alio law;;; breakers 'to;; the
fouthward at a very little diftanbet. We tanked, and
fleered oatjhe fame diftance we came in, and after-,
wards fleered tb the: Si Eg The? WhOle ftf theillat ïàrid
wris entfoc^yi; covered with- habitâtions,
no boats oe jranJis..,! At 6» h. outer fiat itlaiid: bôfë
N. m arid vto hattledfoff! to the Wéfl fift the flight;,
plying as ufual under an éafy fail. At 20 h. we made
having! tfi© | fit®®“ beaftagsi as 1 aft evening. W e -
palfëdt;withiîi; tri®o ,Kaiî©s of thé1 outer flasÈ iflttùd iri 5$
fathbrftsi^aadtoeatioued ôU^ étrâffë in-fhë'mtoiîtion- e f
thciMrirtdéf’QüelpahriB^ At noon the fouth
:uôutér flat' iflririâ:,?f; 8YT W. tefi- léagudèi ,
©ln<6pe jlèriki'-}î î ,.‘J J&’)''39ij;ffiiid:' tlfë^ëifttefiië
N;-550 E . .off £hqre:four or five miles.' The-gtbàttëftf
extent of this«, ifland . is an, E. N. E. and- W.-S". W.
diihbtibn 11 or 12 leagues long... /The peak is remark-
6 . able