May ift.
thorns.; At' 7 h- the rock bore off us 'South’, four or
five miles. - _,|j
12 h. Squally and variably, with frequent rain.
| >20 h. Tacied and flood tb the'North.
24 hi ’ Thick weathter. Pedro BlaUcO H.
three,or four leagues.
r " Moderate brefezesand hazy Weather. At 1 hv30 in.
we faw the coaft of China tp thte’H.-W.) and -at 2 hi
Pedro Blanco bore Weft, three or four leagues; '•
v<5 h. The land extended from ,N.^8.3° W. to,;E-. & !Ev,
four ’6rfive -leagues-; and we had -13 fathoms water.
At 6 h. 3D m. tacked with a vety Ifght air^ef Wifid.
23 b. Frefli breezes and dark glodtny WCathe'f;
At 22 b. 30 m. tacked in.. 38 fathoms^ fandy -bottom.
Ho fun vifible this morning-. m - i |
Ffefti bjefe*esiand j¥C?y haMy weather.- ‘ Our founds
ings.gradually decreased as wO approftched thed&nd.
The coaft of China bore from N. 40° E.‘ tb Weft,
which extreme made a fmall iftand. At § paft WO
tacked ib 14 fathoms, four or five leagues from the
17 h. Tacked-fhip ; an d a t2D h . We ;faw the Iand;
indiftin&ly through the haze -i and a t noon we•' tadted
ijn ;tHe ^centre of a largp.; bayj the points, forming it vCHAP.
H 72° E. and S. 72° W .: an entrance v - ' /', ' - ip .• r'Viv' e' r, ^ or |
opening for. boats, bore H;.- 35° E. We had IQ fathoms, May.
twq,qiiles off fliQrfe Off eipli extreme we obferyed
a reef. pfroeks ab qvewater.
24 h. - Yery hazy . weather. The fiirface |of the fca
wa§ Covered with innumerable fiflain.g-bp.ats;;tha.t went
out. of this, fandy bay.
Frefli bj^pzps^pd thick hazy weat^p^-Hvith rnjn. ' V,-, '
1 7 h. . Strong breeze^ - witli heayy... rain* Tacked
fhip, aiid double-reefed. H e topfails. !
: 24 h. Ditto; weather. Clofeepfed the topfails. .,
Frefli gales and thick hazy-'Weather* with 'cp'ntiuual Strain.
M h. The haze cleared away,for a fhort time, which
gave us an indiftin&yiew of the land ip-the northward,
three or fpiff Mamies. Half paft, we'wore fhip and
ftooW|^)sthife S. E. p
.12 h. Ditto gales, with thunder, .lightning, and
very heavy rain,- and a confufed head, fea, obliged us
tp. iake in the fore, ain,d; mi^eny^opfaUs. Half paft,
woyp flop j ,apd the wind was moderated and.yariable.
Set the topfails ; the gale* tp ail appeuranqe, having
.brake up.
A A 2 2 4 h .