■ lb ,
wheat, millet, Indian corn, rice, and fweet potatoes,
ia .;vHnc^'*atódteë'''diiey? .feéflt to abound. They. had
'79Ï- horfes and cattle, with hogs of a largo breed, d iffe r^
from the Chinefe, and fowls of a large growth. We
did not fee any geefe; but we left with them byo .pan-
belonging to the fchooner.
The watch, N° 43, Ihewed the longitude of the
harbour of Napachan, by two days’ dbfervatiqns, vto
be 127° 23' 30* Eaft. As its filiation, for at leaft 'the
fouth part of the illand, wasl pretty-well fixed- laft
year, we were apprehenfive our watch1 muft go' irregularly
; and yet we could not well account for it in fö
Ihort a time. Four days after lading, when ounfitua-
tion was well known, off the coaft of Ximo, by
many obfervations this year as well as the laft, N° 43
made the longitude too little by 147'45", with every
proper correction between the interval of time; which
defeCt being applied to the longitude Ibmra in Napachan
roads, makes it to lie in 128° 13' Eaft, which
I take as the true longitude. And as th e . watch did
not alter for the three days we were off and on the
roads, I think there cannot be anymiftake; but rather
fufpeCt, the violent motion of the veflel, iii the gale
of wind off Formofa, muft have affeCted it before pur
• At half paft 4 hi-wnlgpt'iundeixway and ftood out to
fca. At A h. 22. mpthe1 harbour.-bove ;S,i!-3$f-E. two or
three miles, /-yhpn wo - bore away aod made fail. At
7 h. 30 m. tlre^,extreme point pf Euchjpux, off which
wore fomebreakers,; bore ik,i6Q° E, [The land from
this point Hsepded tpi Jthe^JBjtft^ and. formed (a deep
bay. foundings, with §0 fathoms,- two, or three
mije^off -fhcHse,; |
We plied under eafy fail during the night; and at
day-light, Jajjth extreme of Lpchieux. bore S. 26° W.;
the bay, Eaft J an. i£and, with a fugar-loaf hill in the
centre, M- 35° W. W'e ftood into the baf till* we law
the rocks, at laft- evening bearing.\Sv 60° W., which
plainly evinced w;e had:a ftrong current to the N. E.
Being within four or five mile's of die head of the bay,
we. wore,' feeing the fouth fide Cohered with break«!« |
and we fteered to the W. N. W. Two fmall 'illands
lay between Sugar-loaf lfland and Lieuchibfix, with
extenfive reefs projecting from their extreme points.
. I t blew very ftrong in ftjualls, and the hazy weather
prevented our feeing very diftinCtly, or we ftiould have
paifed between the illands. AtSOb. 30 m., haying
rounded the Sugar-loaf Illand, we hauled u p ; and at
21 h. we difeovered more illands to the N. E. We
8 ftill