■ ■
■'B 00 K South laft year; and the fch oonerisifignal was. made to
-— ^— > freer E. by S. At two P.M. we juft difcovered a
m m -
fmall fandy ifland from the deck, bearing. iSCifcS0 E.
five leagues. At 3 h, we ;faw. another ifland bearing
I IBafr,'3 and we hauled E< $jT. E .; and at; 4 h.v-.the
fchooner’s fignal was made to haul her jwind upon
the larboard tack, j At j paft we hauled pur wind*
and ftiortened frill for the . fchooner, jQrcqnae- up
with us. At T P. M. an hummock’ making >frkh- an
ifland,5 beyond the extreme of the other dfland, bore
S..60° E . fand the extreme poinhofland fpen bearing
Eaft, now bore-S. 10°PW. about fivq -leagues. g At
this time the mate of the watch .from the maftbead
reported there was no land to be feea to -thesEaft »or
North of the Hummock Hland* nor- in, any' -Other _
direction; neither- was there the fmalleft 'danger-in
.view from the appearance; of tbe-eoaft to the Si E .
on our lee-beam. I therefore flood
tack at 8hoursfandply to'the wnadwardtill daylight.
The. moon we pxpe&ed to rife a t midnight,- and the
fchooner was not yet up ih^her^ftatkwn The fhip
lay N. E. f N. going 4§ knots with her main tack
on board. Immediately, after taking the bearings,
I left the deck to protradfc our fituation;1 which' I
found to be on the north fide of the ifland we> ha<J
;patfed on the 3d of December laft year: (called by
the natives Wypinfatt),- and which | blowing . weather
prevented our-having’aMyl communication with.
About .half after feven white water as feen a-head
and1- uporf ^ each b;Owy and reported g to the office®
of.ifhe watdïr(Tieüÿ5Vaftïon)s and alnioft direétly
-kfter,”'the fliip ftruck';uppA‘'ta','rehf;''of: coral rocks.
Having'felt theKfhbék£,f%hi'ch~ was not • violent, I
inftahtly >went’.upofi 'deck, and by the way met Mr.
jValhom. comings tobaequaint me with.’ the.-:dataller.
The officers and men wefe upon deck in a moment*
and the^lhi’ls. dkeétlynbraced,. aback., It appeared
Ip me the- helm- was-, a-weather* and the fhip’s head
abouti E^N-iE-'j'^lhils all full.! Had the, helm been
put a-leeï onï fceingdhè danger, I think we fhould have
efcaped it. gfij
Thea proper, frgna’k were made-to tfie fchpqner, and
the mailer fpnt tp-. anchor, her as near as poffible,:to
h e a th y . hea\. The Ihip loon, after! paid off, with
her head to ithe:y eaftward and we . hauled up the
mainfail, {hivering the other fails, to Je t -her go round
without acquiring: head way: before ,lhe paid off to
the Jbuthward, fhe again ftruck fore and taft, and
remained fixed at laft j with| her. head due. [South.
Breakers were then upon each, bosvy, and;,iwe had from
c c 2 - five