K'æmpfer, in bis d«fcrfpti«mf;Japan} di^èHÆxïiaoh
upon vtbë ftorrny nature of the feas 'which' furround it> j
and they ’have been proverbially: reckoned
dângèrbùs in the^-qrld. s LÿPér»©nfe, ifhQiighvhetn!tad.d
his voyage in the midft of fummer, in inso viarge^filh
gates full; of boats, aridvfurnifhied with pvery neCefliary
for fuch voyages^ complains m u c h p f thex-thiefei fogs
and thad weather, and ' of ; the dahgetoef :t?Wh
bàyed before his rêturni .1 After] thedofs Of thèProvi-»
den'ce floop, the Euglifh navigatorhathdnlyiia fcbooner
of' 80 tons, with one itnall boat,,-to mconnter/IbfGh
perils,' and that'not in thefummer feafon,. but dp. the
midft; ©f equinoctial gales, and the moft unfavourable
After this fliort fümttiary of what i t has: done: for
thfe promotion of - geography - and navigations the, fed?
lOwingvoyageis fubmitted to the publie. I) ibis':» tide
unexaggerated ftatement of nautïcaÉifecurrences ^ nor
are there any inferted which ^© ’ndt founrded on
and the fhi&eft regard te verâoity»7:Ylf thé Ireadér? thsly
looks for anàufèmént he will "probably, be I'diiap?
pointed ; but it is préfiimed that he* niayf gain'fonae
nautical infbrmatibn. Such voyagé as: rthbfe*'ih the
collection of Prevoft• for1 inftance, are defective by
their omiHiop of- aflronomical aqd nautical remarks»
8 •... -which,
which, tho^gh^théyrnay'‘bèr< Retailed- with dry, minute,
andlfcjupuloos ■ acpujac^,xare neverf failing fources of
indroCtion tó thé'navigator and-'man of fcience.
t -Thè: pfovjdehoe Jftf opsrof.'war ^asTof dOQrtons'r in
btrif Rêirlf edf'riedr l 6' g ü ft^ ^ n d hér ^èÖmpMffiéftt^as
115 men." On hér/Mdving-England the: was fupplied
with prOviHPps, for ’ two years, an4 every . rieceffary
article that was -'required. | -Every thing, which in
iimilar voyages’fed fc,eëntfound of utility,' wSsiibëMTly
granted by' the.-'Admiralty, in regard fo /artMls Of
barter, ’ana the rprei^yatirrn~ of-the~ feamens’ health ;
■hhd it is bhl^ tb bëdamented that ^Re-'unfortunate
fliipwjeck.of. th,e,Providence, by the lofs,of' fp many
irretrievable requisites for fuch. a voyage, fliould have
rendered it in any j degree incomplete. The fhipJs
company confiftêd entirely of young men, who were
üniverfally fobe$ attentive, and well-behaved-; and
here it is- mèlancnoly to Relate, how very* few of thettf
eVéf revHked théftr native country, as may be feen by
the following lift of their names and fate. T
a 2