BOOK The heat on Ihore was exceffive, and would have been
■ nv-— < infu' pportable if not refrefhed□b y thRe raai..n. s...
1797/ ‘ ■ d ■ ..
26th. We now failed a fecond time in the profeéutiott of
our voyage, not with the inoft flattering hopes of fee*
ceeding, from the feafon being fo far advanced, and the
veffel inadequate in many refpeéts to the pnrpofe.
But Hill there was feme profpeél of aeqüMng geojgi'a-
phical knowledge of the Tartareafetód Oöfëari éoafis;
and I was unwilling, even under 'the exifting circum-
ftances, not toufe every endeavour to the utïüóft of my
power, that could tend to the ii&prüifeiftëhi of fcience
by the exploration of unknown parts. The officers and
men were equally difpofed with myfélf to do' thei'f re*
fpeétive duties, and we departed in good health.
■ chap. 111.
l ■
O iF tW liW ofJuWefas”^ *' 45 foemid tnd longitude c HAp.
©f the T y p a ilt^W E., which is top much by P ifS v-w
anerrof a c ^ ^ ^ r i n " o h f e r v h t t p n ' s JJg*
i)efweenVttif'i4to a n d ' ^ o t h ' J u n e ' h e r p r e t t y ' *5%
| | | B B a ^ o h '^ e atlno6n,‘45 was fld^Tor mean
timeirh. 40m. S6.1s., andlonng off mean tune 6‘.t>5is.
pey day. At k ik. V e got trader wa^'wdh a ftrong ,
ehb tld^ ahcl at 5 P. AT. we weathered Potoe within
,'halF.a,mUe^hpvmg t)| fathoms.' '
As we paffed two or th r e ^ jn ^ Wed; of the brand
Ladrope, we gradually inpreafed to.lS fethoms, when
tbd feuth extreme o f it'ltfore cf 8ft-0. Ji.r'Qn! with /the
Afs.’§ I£ars. Mr. t)alrymple mates the Rock It. hear
more foutherly: it ip probable therefore we did not fed
it. At dark we hoarded an Eaft India/nacket called
the .