rainy, which continued at intervals - during the day.
Early; in the morning of the 6th.. arrited -the firft-
lieutenant of ith^^wift iloQp of war, with ditpatehes
from Rear Admiral Rainier, which contained the
intelligence of a Spanifli war.
In the morning I had a conference with one of the
principal Hong merchants, who was deputed from the
city to enquire into the particulars of my arrival,
with the reafcns for fa doing. In the .prefence of
Mr. Hall I explained the caufc of my coming up to
Whampoa 3 requefting at the fame time the Chinde
* government would fupply my wants before l quitted
the river. He then left us to report the fame.
The afternoon was cool and pleafant after the rain,
but the following day we had exceflive heat. Not
finding it neceflary tq remain any longer to expedite
our receiving refrefhments, which. Mr. Hall was
pleafed to take upon himfelf, I took my leave of
the gentlemen of thdfa&ory, to whom I am under
great obligation for their.. kind attention?1; and Jen
four hours and a haK I reached the Second Bar,
We had frefb breezes from the northward the. two
following days, and we were employed in receiving
fait prOvifions from the! Baft India flfrps; alfo in
diftributing the ofitpers and men Wlwfvei'e to take
their paffage to .England iq, them. In the morning we
were vifrifid by a mandarine pf the firft rank,',who
feemed vfry defirpus toffee the yfflefr which, being
. permitted, he affined ns .our wants fh'oiRd be.immer
diately CappUed, nOw he was convinced who and what
we were } but ftem the rieport given into the city,: they .
Were in doubt, and he Was obliged to come on board
to fatisfy himfelf before permiffion could be granted.
Thefe good intentions were of little ufe tons as I pur-
pofed failing with all expedition to Macao, after receiving
what we required from the Eaft India (hips.
The lieutenant of the Swift carried with him our
marines, and a letter to Captain Hayward acquainting
him with my intentions.
In the morning fome of the E&ft India fliips failed
down the river, and in the afternoon the fchoaner went
down to Anfons Bay to wail the arrival of the putter
from Macao. She had. been fo long abfent I was
anxious for her fafety. The next day I followed in the
pinnace, and very hiefeily met the Crctler coming to me
as we :paffed the Boca Tigris. The officer eXcufed
hknfelf foe ltot aretgming &Qner owing to the ftrong
j j 2 northerly