b o o k the Amazon, four months; and ten days from Fal-
—v—-» mouth. She had palled the ftraits of Sund'a without
*^1797. I H H H
Tune. teeing any eruizers.
At 8 h, the Grand I*a4toue bore of us N. 55? E . ;
Potoe, N. 5° W .; extremes of illands, E. | S., off the
Ladrone three or four miles. We made fail, fleering
as per l'Ogv5 At 21 h. Grand Ladrone,1 N.'32° W .; and
the extreme illands, NT 68° W. Grand Ladrone,
22° 0 2 'N. 113? 56'E ., from whence I take my der
88th; , Frelh breezes and fine weather. At 6 h.. we faw a
fleet a-head, confifting of nine, large fljips upon a
wind. Conceiving them to be‘ a, Spanilh fquadron
from Manilla, cruizing for the Eaft India fleet, at
7 h. we fleered in for the land to. avoid them; and at
‘ h a lfp a ftl2 h. we paffed a fhip upon our lee-beam
that took no notice of us. -At 13 h. we loft fight of
, her, ,when we fleered more to the North*
At day-light we were within three or four leagues
of the Weft of China, and abreaft of PifToang, or the
great b ay ; the extremes extending from Weft to
[ N. 80° E . ; and we had no fight of the fleet.
i j AtS&A: M. we ft écïed" dearly in the.direction of the c ^If p'
èoaft, which 'formed-Révérai ■ with lcattered '—-v—
Mauds attd -focks^M ‘Uiieqhal diftahée^. At noon the
extremes of the coaftMxtëlldèd^ from N. $5 W. id
Nkv42?,'E.,itw®^<er -three leagtrès off Ihofe ; and wel
had 151 fathom^ water. Fair Weather but hazy.
Freftvbtoezds' and fair weatheV; with fmooth Water.
- 6 h. ThSfextr'enies to theJNorth making high bore
Nv 14° ' Jh feven oifdigftf lcâ^UéV^
< '8 h. '2 0 fathoms, no bottom.
10 h:-“24'ditto, fine fand.- | The'moo'ri having fef,
\xye hauled our wind .for the-night. ,
’ ‘14 h. ,4-35dathqhns,t fand.
; h. Made' fail. N o u g h t of the" land.
-22 h. 1 9 fathoms, fand ; and at noon 2Ô fathoms,
f i g h. Fair weatherj bût no dbfervation.
In the afternoon we- crofted Over feveral ftriall rip-
lings ; and our foundings varied from 13 to 20 fathoms,
hard bottom. :At 12 h. We had three fathoms
of rocky bottom ; and at half paft, feeing the land,
dd flood off and on till day-light, having foundings
from. 22 to 26* fathofnS. At 1.7 h._ the Pefcadore
Hands extended from Êâft to ' N. by W. diftant from
the eàftern one about four miles". This" ifland -was low
go and