Book and at half an hour after,-midnight w,e Quitted |he
-v——> Providence, leaving her a. -perfect -ivreefe M the; mercy
May. p£ the fea.
The moon rofe at about 12 h.,; and t]ie7,wjnd in-
creafed jibrnt having: feoth aPfhpPid|?vtn in fpn) «Bjd,
we thought it prudent t© take one of them up. ,At
4 A. M. we parted the* other ; cable > i and fpttunately
cafting the right way we made>fail,| and moft happily
efcaped another lhipwreck,» which muftc have. proved
fatal to; many of us. We. were, now doubly thankful
in our prefent fituatiSn,, miferable- as; pur prQfpeqfcs
were-: but by comparifon of. what our,/ate; had nearly
been, we had every, reafoh \to! be contented with,qur
lot, and to rejoice in ouripreferv-atian.; .. :
C H A P .'II.' :
Singular Humanity of the[ Names of Typinfan to us, in our dljtrejfed
■ Sltuatiof.—Oefcription of their Country^' Marvhers^ and ïlabitatwits,_
Croupe o f Uplands tributary to't'hbfe of
iféuquïeüx.--^Arrival in the Tyfa^f)lfpofai of Part of the Crew
V\on board his Majefifs Ship^Swift'^-Bepdrture from China to
furvey the'CoaJis -of T artary aful'* Coreti;- 4.
A t dayrlight^w^tod ffed^br^e^^andhazy weather; CHAPf
3jsind from the„,N. N. W., , and ,th;e .matter was dif- -s— 1
patched, to. th e -w%pk? of the fhip, to Ife, if any thing
cquld, be preferred, ,for nurfjuf m;e fubfiffence, and for
the, fetter equipment o f the fchooner. ijhJ n the mean
time we plied off the .reef, and at noonjobferved in*
the latitude of 2r N .; the Ifland Hummock, -, S.
3>5fa!>|h four leagues • extreme land, S. W .; fhip-
wreck, two cables r;, outer part of the reef, JS^. &(£ E . ;
and wo had 56 fathoms, rapky, bottom*
In tl|e afternoon the matter returned from the i®t&*
wreck, w^th, thpflong fboat full of,,unwove cprdage,
jails, ^ fpw h iq jr Jthey had unbent, and the kedgp
.an ch o r,’