away with;the mufket,. which thé botanift had dropped.
The marines were ferved in the Tame manner. After
they.recoveredtbemfelves, there t was not'trmesto; fire
the remaining Jnuiket, as the natives." preffed 'upon
them with thegreateft eagernefs.dn their retreat to-the
furf. The mate reached ;the boat: in fefety, and the‘
botanift cfcaped by-dabbing a man,in the water who
had fei^ed him.; but the ill-fated marines, incumbered
.by their accoutrements, were murdered in ' the. water
by the ^favages: On examining,'fhèi^ ^ h d i l^ one
appeared to have received,.federal- ftabs with his
own bayonet; the ether, who could nq t.Twirm had
got a violent contufion on his head, and Ve.em.edi
tp have been drowned. They were taken up der-
feéfcly naked, excepting fome few fragments "V 'their
During, the time of . the maffacre the bo at'b y the
midlhipman's account, was within fifty yards f f ïh e
ïhore, and her crew were pulling in, whilft a ’part
of them were keeping lip a conftant' fire with two
mulkets; neverthelefs they, could not \faveVhefe
poor fellows from the fury of,'the- natives, and ’ only
wounded one man out of twenty who followed them
into the water. X am afraid they were in too great' a
cpnfufion, and the boat too far. from ' the/ fhore t6
give' the affiftnnfce'Jthat 'Was neceffafy on fuch ari
upfortunate oqlafion. Had the boat been placed as
1 directed,' abouf ioije hundred yards from the tent
placed on an eminence, it would have,been a? certain
refource; for had!,the natives-,burned, t^own the bank,
they would have been expofedi'to j its .'fire.. It- is,
.therefore mod; probable; the .boat .was farther diftatnt;
Tor fhe mate, though.befoul d[ fwim^ybryj well, ,cabg<l
to them that if-they did not, pull in ,ro©tb "he .fhould
be drowned, ,and.,when ƒ he, reached1 the ^boat- the
grapnel rope was , then : cut having, 25v, fathoms out,
and the'wind was from the' land. He found them in
confufion, and'defired.the fignal to be made do thd
ihip, which the midfhipman had1/n.egleSftgd.:.doing,!
Jfhe natives fired fome mufquets at the pinnace, whofe
balls went, through her; but a. fhot orhtwo from her
■fwivel difperfed;the ‘crowd, and.all was> .It was
pxtraordmaryilthat the .two* women, ’Eahina. and jjjfe
marroe (whom Captain ^YadcpfiTer brought from the
N. W. coaft) fhould ’hav.e come with us! from -A1 ooi;
-when Tupararo was.-the. liufband of the .firft, and
whole .ehild had beeftlfention .board that we might
fee him. They were much alarmed, and defired to
be fent On fhorej,, which requeft we tOQmplied iwith,
giving! .ifcpch a lettep begging they, would entruft
them to' thter firft {Keifiel that arrived there, .but upon