The Cana©' wind,pad weatfecp continued^.fariddbe
furf Q ^ h e beaqh - was fo high'w© could'notTget off
either wood or water.
- The furf on; the beach remained fo high, that
our parties could not land till Satm^^rir^hen>-;t|^
winds both from fea and land became moderate, and
enabled ;«s-,to complete pur taking inwood and water.
Ba^ves- ^onftantly attended ©dr > people-Oil: ih ore,
haEtepuig grapes foe, buttons j. rand fometimcs we
»aWerfo perfoa^-tlieififljefmen a^-they palfod
by the foip, to fell u$,fame fife.; but this we could, but
feldom obtain.
| The-mafter vrasTenfc to examine the fedfe between
the Chip and the apparent ifland. In the morning we
were vlfited by a new party..,of Japanese, fuperior
fo the others in^drefey-ahd;
We derived riot only pleafure, but information al%
from.,their fociety. They feew^ ud a.chart of the
WQfld, whfob appeared fo haye, beeia conftrudted -:«a
Ruffia; and having a .book with them.dn Wlaicli
were drawn the arms of different countries, they
immediately pointed out, thofe of Great -Phi tain,
to which, country they fuppofedf us,, to-belong. ' They
had alfo a Ruffian, alphabet,, and- by.:wh'at I, could
undeidand, ofis p i mmmNfepl b e ih • at Peterfeurg. CHAP. , „ ^ , 9| v.
We had oii. board a Teaman of that country, who edhP — 1
verfed with them in lii^.hativd/.language.''-' They per- gejtsmberv
hiitted: mfe'.'to "copy ;d ,', lafgd5 chart: §f§ Ihbu iflahds to
th ^w d lthw 'Jd p an , aihd profeifcd^eftti brfta$-«nd of
thfci'f ‘oWfi dfeih^-We £j After™ utu ax civilities
tK8^^VhntJ tin* * feore.- “ The
ti¥6hSf?§, hat'm^'ftukno'a very ^OVKfh’arbour mxhe^PEjk •
Otirnbr oP^^Bsrr? fo¥ffied b^ tHtiappdteift- iflarid, which
froMifcoriefted tcfbea peftinfukL
■ As-w::gpfrAVerjr tMin^from'
the feorti,-and1 wh^prepafed ■ fof5g6irfg? to:4'rek. Out*
Jhptfee^'Wiehds fjbifitid- dtif’ pufty at dinner, add
“jpfelinfea fti8‘v&tWlsi chdrt 6fHhe$f
return | T gav#h them' 1 ’Captain .'Cook’s g&herdt
chart’ of the w‘orid|'W'hich gratified' them- extremely.
They -wtifC 'htrtfous rih ! making remarks on sithateVer
they f a # i d n d !whd't they etihld hti¥ ^ id p t^ h e h d ,th ^
mhfedi^Wyrtiprfef^ttidd& IrididdUWdr^Wih^h They
• ll&ir that W ihtendbd'to dfe
part-'feortly; | |
:iTîlè rahfontitètèf c'dfoplhte® hiM> *ob*
tfeïwâtionl ' #g¥t: thé 'fogulatioti : o f qthehtinië^pieeêl|