8 th, went up t© the-Bócar;Tigris,,; to^brihg'us dowii
'—*—’ fopie ftores and fait provifiohs, .which' fhe was to re-
MBfêb- ceive there by a chop boat- from thé Eaft India ihips
lying in Canton river, with'• orders By.' nó .means to
enter the Bogue, = for > fear. of giving; offence lb .the
Chiqefe government. 1 Several officers f>tbok this' * opportunity
of yifiting Canton for a few days-,.. ■
«3&. A Spanifli brig arrived from Manilla; arid wént into
Macao harbour. A§ the Weather jidrfti-itted, wé completed
the watering; and ha btkèr-ref^é^ê^ prêpafed^
for fea. In th e morning ;df the TQÉ the Ihheorier
turned frona BoeeaATigris-; and we received.; by.1 her
cordage, canvas, pitch, tar, &c.: With fklt provifidns,
and 2Ö chcfts o f tea, The middle and latter ;pafts'b£
the month the -wind was chiefly froth thé' S.:E. quarter1,
with rain. On the -26th failed a fmall Bdtfepf called
the Eragon, for the W~~ eb&frwof Amériéfeu
following. days. we-, had a -great, deal • of- bad’ We&tlieA'
with thunder and lightning; and w© parted* qüibflrê&Èfeh’
cable. Wind" at South and S. S. W.
April The fliip and fchoprrer being perfectly ready for'fea,
we, only waited 'favourable winds to prbceéa out'
. of the Typa, apd to receive fome moffi naval ftpfes
from the Eafi' Indiamen lately arrived, , for which I
was again' obliged to fend the fchooner up to Anfon’s
! Tile* weather .continned* moderate and'pleafant from
therN. E.-i^jihTter;,ahd; on the iOkfo we warped out of
the»Typa, .and c^nsè'todnfthé éntfatiGé^dn 5 fathoms^
Macag^fort upop tthe hill! béarangBi. 45° W., and
Oabdrita. point. "§t.hf£)*5 W.- two* Mletf*;| thé bar fort
bëingitijufl, flirife. dn' with Jhfenipoint WhikhTfritihs the
ftarbóard entr&hoé into the Typia. This anchorage
appeared to me moft-eligible” te f theooftvèniency of
communicating with fhe tbwn, and forerunning into
the harbour wbenÉfeccffary; |in d 'if you lay two miles
mdreto thé eatkvard,' y'ou have ko more-’ water. In
this! fituatldfpyou may Water*your'jfhip With great èafe
on either bf-TheH-flands rgëihg in/atten d in g to thé
We had on board fifteen months' fwokifions between
the veffels, and confidered ourfelves perfe&ly. well
equipped for the pr©locution of the v’byage ■ bur
crew being in perfect health, as when - we arrived.
Duririjg our long refidence we had berih eonflantly fup-
piied with frefli beef ©r pork, and plenty of vegetables.
The people had alfo bread baked for them, every day.
Having brought, put a copper oven with us for that
z purpofe,