?OOK fed us to fuppofetlufy had forae other view to gratify
-v—-> than mere curiofity, *by coming fo late* a
The arrival of our new friends prevented our being
troubled with fo many vifitors, much to-, our fatisfac-
tion. But unfortunately the fame interdiction extended'to
our walking on fhore; but not fo much fo
as to preclude our making aftronomical observations,
or taking off water; yet' the affemblage of people was
fo great as to materially affe6t .omr operations, not-
withftandihg the military were fo ftatiorred as to keep
off the crowd, which they did at times molt effectually,
by exercifing upon their perfons large bamboo
In the afternoon they lent us water in’jars and tubs,
and took our calks with them afterwards, as a more
expeditious way of fupplying ;us, which were brought
off in good order- A foldier coriftantly attended in
thefe boats, who feemed to have the principal direc-
- tion-
The night was moderate, and fair weather from the
Frefh ibree^es' and veiw. fcnlally, from >the MS E. c H AT-
quarter, .jyith dark cloudy weather; which prevailed —1
pur having much > communication ^with the thorp. \ ‘@aober
Our friends,^ notwilhftanding the! violence of the wind, 1 •
fent us both wqod and water.-, >4
„. . The wind remained, inthe fame,g,uarter, but mpre *7**
moderate; in the,.afternoon yre were;, yilited, by
deputies'from the great'men,, tQ'know, if Wp had, wood
and water enough to permit our failing,,., I told, Jbpm,
it was-not'my intention to fail'for three 'ftidy
were then hefitous, I Ihould, make, h»hwq;.d,aysy. which
X .would notiagree to, After, takipg fommrefrethment,
they went on fhore to deliver the anfwer. - .The d©~
puties were gayly and handfomely dreffed; their outer
igarments r being., chiefly^ fea-gre’em ligh^, biue^and
French grey, highly glazed $ and, thp. manufacture,- of
cotton,. notj .very fine.' . JFhgy alfo^poje\yery neat
leather flipper,, ornamented 'withtelygr and gulden
fpangles. They werp affable.and cpnyerfable men,
, We landed oppofite^ the, fehooner^ .to obferve. the
latitude,; and ipftantfy we l^ad a military ^uarftfrojn
„the' village,,who atlenppa to- opr motions 'till wp returned
on board. We Were employed ip the afternoon
receiving,,wood and water.,.
XX Strong