.-book Thej Yeiy hbei ally fupphda&qs -with fob, [withouit
' "1796*~ expert any return; and having latisfied
November, their cuiiofitjy ve parted mutually entertained.
There ■were twelve men in each boat, and they made
nfe of fluids inftfead of pars; • ;
. The -night was calm; and at day-light we had a
ftreng northerly wind, with 1 fqualy ’ wcdthcr; which
prevented 'ou-i\feeirig?tlae land till 19 h., when-wei-dif-
covered the outer ifland bearing S. 590 W..; :to-our
furprife, a ftrong current having fet us td the eaftward
in the’Might ' At iioon the:fohth-ppint of Oh^f
S, 89 W;, .five miles ; ibuth extreme of Volcano: lfle,
on with rocks, S‘. 88* W .; diflant: high: mountains
©pen, with a: hum brack, 1 W . .
*2th. - ;oStrong.hrSezes mnd ffjuaSy weatbeh <. AffewnSon we
bore up for the paffage between Yolc&MP'hfld ©titer
which’ was dear d£;all ,danger^ Off th e we® point
bf ¥ olcana lfle are fame detached bladk .rocks,. >at ;twb
dr three hades difilance; and in the. direction bfeSl-by
¥1* from Otiter Ifland we law another; ifland * ‘ ten or
twelve leagues ; and another fmaif cfofterfof irsbk%
beatmg from ^Outer Ifland S. W. free or fix Jeaguest
After, clearing the paffage we hauled 'up do.-the
.W ;:N . W . , . to examine the northern iflands. The