Bqok feives. We only landed and took off fome water, to
f i g ||p whieftl%ey had no fobje£tions. - The'night was mo-
October.' derate and fair; and the heavy-clouds gradually dlf*
pbrfed, leaving towards the morning a clear atmo-
fphere. if
sift. Erefh breezes and very pleafant weather. Before
day-light I left the velfel, unperceived by ou r‘Cdrean
guards, and proceeded up the harbour ttf complete
a Iketch of it. At day-light we faw fires near oifr
village, which we fuppofed were fignals' refpedt'in^ the
boat. We however, having landed on the fouthertt
fide, and continued examining that fide of the har-
bour, remained unperceived by them, as there were,
no habitations near us, and returned on board to
breakfaft. It appeared our abfenee had thrown the
village into great confufion : boats were difpatelied
in every direaXon after tis,! b'ufwe fiad theM
all.' The morning was favourable, and we-took our
laft altitudes. Soon after, we received a vifit fr6m one
of our principal friends, who’ feemed particularly
pleafed at our preparations for failing. * X prefentetf
him with a telefcope and a pifiol, the only articles he
feemed defirous -of poflefiing; and we parted with
mutual fatisfadtion. We ’ loon after got under way,
and made fail out of the harbour, to. the great joy of
our Corean friends,’ who were» aiïembïed. in great nutfl-1
bers on thb àdjaèest Hills obferving* our: departure.
We felt? O'drffflve® much fmdigeeft by-'their fuppîies
of wfodd and- wafer, without expebfcmg. any thing in
feturiiM ! |
j VH.
This harbour-is1 Called Tfliofan,^ or'^hofan,/.byri;he
inhabitant7.«'' Tb i's- fituatednin bhe^SdlL« part»’ oflfthe
eoaft of - 0oreaf in thed atitiider of and 1219?
% E. 'Xo^gitutm f r'aild» bbakfI S. E ^ a ^ , o sN'.K.W>
ffo'm'tfie^-diorth '-part, oft the rifla'ndi ofilDzimacpat ten
leagues difianfce.» T t;*hasi a -fa fe ’'entrance, ;and :nb
dari^erS- to'^b’e1 apprehended' * on either .fhoretK ;Tw.ov
miles to the Weft ofithe- black rocks, ©ruthe nprth fide
of entr£mc^;''ist ain'abVtfpf highyheadiland^iifhiiGb».!
named Magnetic Head, from its a d d in g our ppmpafs
treedEsv ■ Nortlfi of-this- liehd dsda -finCfandy bayjidVith
gbod anchorage,5 -where', we dsmalhdd; ! durings our ftaji
fea open
in S^hich bnglb’ we*faW d'Min'<^y»thci-flaid'# pi S’cltna.
Thb chart wilf beffe*%^lbirf the
Otft anyft prCteh fiofiP t§3 ig^af saceorairy, • >wfillh answer
bVeiy ^.utpofe» to the navigator. It is the belt our
tirade arid reftridtions we hnder^^en^blod psto
make t: - and to the fit etch I - tfcfer ifoto further pais