book from us at noon. As the wind prevented our palling
'— to thé eaftward of this coaft, and examining the ftra'its,
September. which J fuppofe to divide it from Inföo, we were
obliged to range it on the Weftcrn fide; and at noon
continued our courfe to the north-eaftward, for that
9th. At half paft 6 ft. the extremes of land ;frore ^from
S. 15° E. to N. f5° E; ; a round hbJi|‘N'.''56.° È .’ÿ-and
the iflànd, S. 32° W., off fliore four or five* miles..
Cloudy weather.
- At half paft 17 h. tacked. The land bore -from
N. 26°.E . to 'S. 2 ° E. Tacked again. Roundt Hill,
S. 45° E., four or five miles off fhore:’ I
Light airs and calms. Round Hill, S. 2Ôôt*EV: the
extremes preferved the * fame bearing; and ;%é .Wëïe
two or three miles, off fhore. Soon after noon. vge
. paffed the north extreme : to the South of it were
feveral fcattered houfes. The land, tended : to the
northward, bold and cliffy, of moderate elevation,
fwelling into riling grounds, well clothed with wood
and verdure. The coaft was ftraight and uniform
inappearance, and nothing réin ar table -but the Round CHAP.
Hill. . • - - ■ ■ ' •
Frefli breezes from the laiid ; and; we.' Rood to-the 1 .
North, as the wind permitted!' At 6 h. the extremes,
North, hdak'fri^d'ó^*' lahdp bdre N. 40°*E. > and’the
Round, Hill, making the fóuth ëxtremé^V26° E., three'
or four 'iCagÏTes'off fhoré.;
The night was fqually, and we began to feel the
weather very’cold.
The land exteneféd from NV45°kE .‘ to S .'IS ^ E .;
and a 'corifpicuoü^'high mountain bórëlN.‘'3? 0 E., four
or fiVe^fê^g^'. From the land11 a^breaft of üs, whifrh
appeared véry-low; and in 1 Ibme^part^ vfh cbtild nBt
dife^l^ti^y''' land. 'Wê hauleft üps' in '. Ihore till wè
perceived the coaft connected' fry*'low land, well
wooded; nor Could we ofrfervè any Openings what-
ever. At 20 h we fleered’ to pafs without the low
extieme, north point, which at noon bore .N- 20° Ë.
1hree*or,four leagues ; the other extrèmes, S 55 E . :
frut the more diftant land -was oblcured.. by the,haze.
The .mountain bore N..5T E. The coa$.we paffed,