At||\fnfefc<wè -ftill remaiked veïj^hïgW mountairóws
land alo'bg lhfe; coaft.
waslitdèaivand pleafantweafher |fi humour
wind carried us from the laud, which. at: noon was
foen through the diaze, J.2 or 13 leagues: diftant 'to
thè-S. W. ■ #
•Ereft^breezeS • énd very hazy* weatherri^dfobn-mftGr
rióbd we &w very high mountainous land to the weft- ’
• - The extremes *of the coaft extended fWrif Si'30- 'W.
to NC 1G° E. In the angle formed by-two high points;
bearing?'N. W F W<1 and S. 58Q-'Wvdhe land1.-receded
very confiderably ; and within the- 08^ poinfotheré
feèmed to be a fmall opening in -the low land.- All
the interior mountains were of''grè^it”magnitu;dë>;.iand
the coaft tended to the fouthward, in which direction
w*e ikaped our oourfe for thé night, having-fineyclèar
moon-light. - At day-light the land extended * from
S. 10° W. to S. 80° W .; a rocky point, N* 87° W.< t\vd
or three . leagues'. - To th e . .North ^©f,, the. point,, the
coaft was. ftraight.»and uniformly - high and rocky. ;
and South of it the land fell back, and wAs, not fo
elevated near the fea, but equally barren in . appearance.
pearanc‘e.:. * The rooKj^ poinir-rofe abruptly froni the
fea, in horizontal dlrata of a white and fftf colour «
and thè 'higher phrts ’Verb wob'ded in- pajgheèi’; tFë
fà'w fia fîgrfs dfo'thè cofuntry being inhabitée? : ihdeed
every -part of if prefented à moft uncomfortable prb-
fpeétî-wAt nooh we'-^affod a white rock,1 much broken
into- craggy pointa; it ispet^eh-ed about three leagues
from the fhoreA apd bore qf us N.A30 W. JfiVe or fix
miles. The extremes bore from E. to S. 70° W.
four ôr five leagues diftant. ,No foundings with 90
CH AP . •
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