BGQ® Cloferreefed;thetopfails,’ arid furled the fore and mizcn
|—^—| ditto, anctftruck top-gallant malts.
O&b'ber. Barometer-fluctuating this morning.
| - 24,h. IYefh gales of wind, with. ftipw^rs ©f)fleet-u:;7
30th. I h. . .Fro Hi gales, and. very hazy weather, with a
large .lea. Hauled our wind to the fouthward, under
'main-topfail and;fa refill. Gdt-. the jib-boom in and
fpiitfail yardirs
■ -;8 h. »' Thick foggy* weather,' with fthe gale jnpdetat-;
ing. Set the topfails.. „ The barometer, during -the
: night, fell eonfiderably.
- 12 h ., Moderate breeze, withdrizzling rain. . Tried
for foundings during the night...- Sea cbnfiderably:
gone:down.- > Ati32f h. the..jwind^veered-to jhe^fdnth-
ward, arid-the fame fog. remained. M
•’ 18 hi Got the top-gallant' mails up, jib-boom and
fpritlail yard out, and made fail. Heavy rain aty20,-rh.
with thurider and lightning.. Wore fhip. - It foprn
after was calm, and we bad continual, rain.
24 h. Calm and cloudy, with a feuthern: ftfelL p
31ft. 1 h. Variable weather, with a confufed. fea.: Several
land birds about; two ofthemwere taken, and .a -wild
duck was fhot: we were alfo accompanied by fheerwaters
waters, pdterdtsyl:and albatroffes. S At, :4 h. .the wind
increated, and we tacked. - At. 5 h. we had ftrong.gvilis
of;wind from t'te: weftefn 'quarter, which foon obliged
jus to reduce .pur fails; and at 6 h. to furl the fore and
mizen topfails. ,,
11 h. The.gèl.el.'again fetting iri from W. and N.-W.,.
gave us no hopes of palling through ftiaits 'that
divide Japan from Malzmai :^?and^.t.lijf|Jt advanppd
feafop 'rendered: ih;ye;py.. likplyi, we fhouj^upt fuicpeed
after further., perfevertoc^ tM added to whi.G1h^^n|y,lfcQn-t
finement, owing to my broken arm, precluded.any.fatis-
,faólpry; ^marks-e^epf^e^ei w.q J:o fpGqeed. I' therefore
gave up j^ i$ § a for t^e prefen hyear, and we fhaped our
courfe in the diredtipn of the Japandfocoaft» purpofing
to make the. land about White Point, and? continue
thé, coaftta.Ümfouth, as the weather admitted.
- .24 h. I ’relh gales and cloudy weather,, with,, a large
following fea., '
1 h .: Frefli gales; and fqually weather, with a heavy
fwell from the N. W. quarter. Barometer gradually
4 h. Squally, with fhowers of hail. ,■
6h. I Heavy -rain, with variable weathé^ but more
IT h. Light breezes, with lefs fwell; f paft we
p H A P . j: v jr r
1 »ft..