We rowed along tlve beacli to th e; weftward about-
two miles ;1 the country gradually rofe in Hoping
hills, cowered, with verdure and interfpeiTed with
wood. We came To a fine ftream of wafer near fome
hpufes; on our landing, the natives with great humility
brought us mats;., to fit upon, and for tun ately
there was no Japanefe;. prefent to interrupt their
civility. This part of .the eoaft' being ;more convenient
lor taking in water and wood, I determined to
mosyfe th e 1 fhip towhrds (it ; and) after obfervipg thé
fens meridional altitude, we retumiedi on -board.
During abfenco feveial Japinefe had arrived at
the villager with horfes, carrying merchandize; in thé
afteraoofiltHè|r came, oh board, with; lome dègree of
ceremony, i to Ï pay its a vifit. I iOTdiey were clothed
in dark-coloured cottons, with filk tallies round their
waifis pi and' each ; of them ’twos Jfabrps «richly
©mameited .with gphp and. diver, whbfe^lcabbards
were ihighly japanned thoir fandals weietof' ftraw
and wood- matted. -They alf<> carried their pipes
and fans with them. They were very particular ih
enquiring, what nation we‘ belonged to, and what our
mtentipns we®© in' coming among th em ; 'and as they
feemed'* to comprehend dhr anfwers they immediately
n o ted th em , having dike thé ChreeM^Indian
ink for that purpofe. After fmoaking out théir- pipés;
o WH» . v . -and
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