ceived 'them 'to .be inhabited,', aad-very well 'culti-
y a t e d f e y e f a l .boats a-fi&ing. Thefo
iflapds were ratbbr;>igb> and in parts wellwopjed,
abd feparated from each.othey by vpry, narrow paf-
fkges. . .
* At-4 h. yfC were withathe ;land ; .^he jiao»
extreme bearing jyf^.^pgyagja A a
W/S.W^m the. direction o f a woody ifland, offwhich
^ere lbme ledges of rocks- fcattered at .pngfual difr
tanees, 4<t fpnfet the,pxtrepie, .fqt at neonS - 88? AY,.*
now h©re §. E .; high; land, &yS0° M . ; and ^
of the woody, ifland, 'N*$(ftE. two. miles.. Vf? pied
during the night to preferve our ftation off thewppdy
ifland. At 18h. it bote from us Ny.260,o. dg
three miles ; and we had the fame hazy weather. At
19 h..30 m. we were entangled,with, .rocks and iflands ;
we oeuld proceed, no further to the N. W.J we^therefore
fleered to pals without the high knd* and narrowly
efcaped two rocks, ©yen, with the -wajtqrj forth©
H. W . of it. ; As we fteeyed t&fh^S. W. ye could, jpft
difeeTO, through the haze, fmfflL iflands, ^hCipqls Iri
every, direction; and after paffipg- between two,., that;
are; South of the high land we hauled up tp the N. yV.
At qglh.: we loft fight, of the high.'lan.d, . bearing
6- i. / r' ■ ’ q n .'to? -
b® ejK
. H I
K. 7(F'E.' twó tëagués:' • , : ■ . .a.n.d aV'.b odnj two. iflands i§ riivi'iAnP. ^
on© bot#* Ss "^9° two Htdrey! Ni* 48^' E .’% - Long
Ifland,r Sv to S. W.’ hy W. ' ' - oaober.
Eight breezes, and Vetyhazy. weather.' kept 24th. '
our Wind for the only Clear ’ paflage wè'-foöuld' fee-
amongfl the iflaii&S. At 3 h., finding, a. Current againft
us#*We carafe to amnnchof in 'tén fathoms, mtrddy
bottom. The extremes, forming the>pa^gè aé hobhy
-bore from" £>,. 3° E. to '§. 60° E .; the Jatter point, in
ofiC'With'tWo iflands, twofor three miles difl*nt. In,
evtery othfr dire^ion M e ohnded by lafifly
but our view^was' Vcry imperfelt andlimitedv
On thé*- iflands V e' obfêrved 'Villages and cultivations,
-and many boats on' thé Water phflSrig fb and
fro; but'they did not come'near us'. Wie. found ther
currentf .continued regular frdm i a-oöutr
: i JfoflêS pér hours*!*•
The night, was moderate and cloudy1; and in the-
morning wd had a frefb breeze
ftream r’d f' iüte .'in w favour. W© got' Undef it*-7°h"d
A. M, add- turned' të thé roe^Janp^^
thé’Nörth •’ clofe on board dn.'onr trayëffê's, ‘•whichap-
peared bold and- after pafling ïbme fmall* roèk^