B v p K Our doubts %ere now partly R e a re d up at noon ;
^ and we began to fufpect,. from the appearance- of
■September, the low lands} antbpuridecreafing.foundipgs, /(with* our
northern latitude),- j that we• wej||t5not ■ lilsgly to get . to
fea, from,:our. prefent fituation, without returning To
- the?Sputh; |g
- 12th. ji The. extremes from M. SQ^cEii-to S*_E.,^jt\yo leagues
6ff fhore. The land very high and uh&cera.';; ■
j'Atjhalf paft 9h. we hauled off for-Thepiight, haying
;darfc gloomy, weather and heavy rain ; and at 9 h. we
brought ito under low Tail, 1 * 1,
Variable: weather, with light airs and calms.
At half paft .17 h.. the .land extended from H.;*22°.-E.
to S. ’18° E. five- or fix leagues 5 and; at the fame time,
we faw .more land bearing ggfe} 78° W.,ijuft vifible
from the deck. I conceived this land tor be the coaft
of .Tartary, The forenoon was calm and clear
weather, which enabled .usj for the firft time' this
moon, to obferye diftances. The land to the,Weft
preferved much the fame appearance; the north extreme,
terminating. low Wards the fea, bore
N , M a
N.- 2.4® "E., 'five or fixjleagues, diftant. At. noon the
iouth extreme, S. 14° E. and a very remarkable
peaked hill nearrthe fea, S„ 649^ . ; ,a break in the
land, S; 40° E . ; the coaft of Tartary; from N. 71® W.
to Si. 80° W. about 51SU or* lAl$agues. No current
have we yet experieqcjcdr/.i
V. • ■
"1797- ■